Monday, February 1, 2010

Photo Essay

One of the things the kids do at our island school is make a school news paper. This has been going on since Will went and boy have times changed. They used to print them out and it was all articles. They have since gone digital and send them out via email. There are polls and pictures and the kids have learned how to scan images. Now they have added links. I have included two links today. This past fall we had a person from the Salt Institute spend some time with us and as her project she did a photo essay. A few years ago we had a different person come out and she did a radio show for her project and chose Connor as her subject. It was broadcast on NPR. Anyway, this link was in the latest issue of the school paper. Cade is quite proud to be the editor this year. If anyone is interested in being added to the school paper email list leave me a comment (HINT) or send me an email.


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