Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bad Thoughts

There are times when I worry for my immortal soul. It is true I never actually do anything criminal or even outright mean but it doesn't mean bad thoughts don't cross my mind from time to time. Especially just before I have my period...:) Anyway, I was bit by the revenge fairy when I came across this picture. I had dreams of somehow stashing this in Sean's house and wondered what kind of chaos it would cause. Would TMW find it first and accuse him of cheating? Would he, and think she was pregnant and by who? Of course I would never do it and even wasting time thinking about it is pointless. I was amused for a while though. I feel bad having such thoughts even infrequently. I feel like a bad person when I do. :( I will be sure to share my next revenge fairy moment.

Class was canceled today. The winds are to high for the teacher and other student to make it here. I am still doing my workbook answers anyway. I wonder if we will review it on Saturday for a bit or still do the whole CPR day?

Work was canceled today as well. When your job is dependent on the water things like this happen. My friend is working on the mainland for the off season (she lobsters) in a seafood processing plant. The boats can't go out shrimping because of the winds.

Morning school for Cade was canceled. All the kids except Cade were out sick throwing up. He was going to get tomorrow off for various reasons but they rescheduled this mornings lessons for tomorrow morning. He is going in this afternoon though. He will be the only one

What a messed up day.

I'm off to make some lunch.


Carol said...

I have those same kinds of thoughts--I never could ever follow up on them, but it's fun to think 10 years ago, there was this um...rather masculine woman who worked in my department. She wound up going through my desk (I should have known better, but I was very trusting of my coworkers) and found some personal information, which she disseminated to all of my coworkers. I was very hurt and angry, and after she transferred to another department, I would fantasize about anonymously mailing lesbian porn to her office address. (Isn't that awful? But I wanted to embarrass her like she embarrassed me...) :-) But like you, it cheered me up for a while, thinking that I "could" do that....but of course I never did and never to think about, though...

perphila said...

LOL....Yeah....that would have been good. Of course, you would never......:)

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