Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Library Wednesday - Pick 4

Ellery Queen. I have a hard time understanding why whenever I mention these series of mystery books I get blank stares. I adore these books. Not to mention there has been a radio show, tv shows, and movies. I added the wiki link for everyone to read that is more detailed. What I like are the earlier books set in the teens and twenties. Modeled after Philo Vance , another great mystery read by the way, I find Ellery's attitude amusing. Also, near the end is the challenge to the reader. All the clues are there, no last minute, huh?, moments when the protagonist mentions some clue that the reader never saw, read, or knew about. I am trying to collect all the books and have been doing so for years. I am not trying to get first editions or anything, I just want to read them all. I refuse to buy new so every time I cruise a yard sale or used book store I look. I found I really prefer the books with Ellery. I like the short story collections but don't bother with the ones that have the author name Ellery Queen but it was written by someone else or has different characters. I don't mind the Drury Lane character written under the name Barnaby Ross. Anyway, I have spouted the link!

What Wiki says about Ellery Queen...MUST READ!


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