Sunday, October 4, 2009

The cost....

Well, Cade's home. Still waiting for Sofie. Cade said his dad didn't want to bring Sofie because he didn't want to pay for a ferry ticket for "the beast" and that the baby might spit up on the ride. Well, duh? What baby doesn't? He brought that baby out here before to see his soccer buddy. Why can't he bring her to take his children home? If you think that there are 4 weekends a month, three of them are Sundays Sean has to bring them back what would the cost be to bring them here with the extra cost of "the beast" IF you bought tickets each time and not a commuter book? It would be $86.55 a month. If you bought two commuter books which would cover the same amount of tickets plus one extra the cost is $76.40 a month. Sean does not buy the commuter books although it's cheaper. If he leaves "the beast" at home then the cost is $61.30 which is the cost of one book and two extra tickets. Cheaper than getting two books. Still, if you add in the cost of a sitter for "the beast" and baby for the time it takes for the trip that would be minimum wage times 2 which would be conservatively $45. Add that to the $61.30 then he would be paying $106.30. It is actually cheaper to bring them all. Bottom line is he needs to be on time with the drops offs and accept his responsibility to do so not only in a timely way but in the cost as well. Kids aren't cheap. He can choose to bring them all or not. Either way Cade and Sofie need to be home on time no matter how he achieves it. I have to pay the same costs for Cade and Sofie and myself. I also pay the costs for every doctor appointment and extra things plus gas for the car. I don't ask him to pay me extra for it. I need to think on this a bit without brooding. I had better eat dinner now. I made corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot. So yummy. Better than boiled for sure...:)


Anonymous said...

cade is not old enough to be alone u should notify police "abondonment" spoke w/ yoour mom tonight

perphila said...

cool...your left a comment...:)Is there an age limit when it comes to abandonment?

Carol said...

He calls his child a beast??????

perphila said... Cade calls her "the beast" In fact he calls them "beast one and beast two" Sean calls Regan "an idiot", "spoiled", "stupid", and "a pain in ass". At least, those are some of the things he call her to her face while Cade is around. As for the new one, no name calling yet. She's still too new. He usually waits until 6 months before he gets aggravated enough to start the name calling.

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