Sunday, October 4, 2009

Grow up a little

I got a response about bringing the kids home on time. He decided to split them up. He is sending Cade (by himself) on the 2:45 boat then bringing Sofie home on the 5:45. What? First off I never send Cade on the boat alone unless I know another parent/neighbor is going to be there too to keep and eye on him. I also have a hard time with the fact that Sean and I continually butt head about separating the kids in general. Why can't they come home together? Well, he doesn't want to bring Cade and Sofie home on the regular boat because then he would have to bring the other two girls with him too. It isn't a cost issue because the younger two (the baby and Sofie) are free. Cade has a boat pass so again, no cost to Sean. He would have to pay a half fare for "the beast" and a full fare for himself which he would have to pay either way. He simply just doesn't want to take care of his own children. So I have to drive down and meet the ferry twice to pick up the kids. I will send him another email I guess about the issue but I am not sure about how to word it. I think it may be time to withhold a visit if he can not be trusted to bring them home on time as a consequence. I just dunno.


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