Sunday, October 25, 2009


I really didn't have a reason to not post yesterday. My plans were all changed. I had planned on going for a drive up the coast with a friend to this big store about 3 hours away. I wanted to look at the HUGE amount of books there and maybe do some x-mas shopping. At 50 cents a book I could do really well for the kids for the holidays. It was a nasty day though. Rain and big winds. So we set the plan back a few weekends. I was really sad. I had already rescheduled work for Saturday. I was bummed and had a lot on my mind about how the drop off with the kids went on Friday. It was awful. The kids had their last day of swim lessons until the spring. Parents were able to get in the pool. I didn't go though because I was still sniffy and didn't think it would be a good idea. Afterwords I took the kids to dinner at Subway. It was a real treat since I usually get them something from the store with the food stamps. Then we went to the used book store next door and browsed a bit. You can turn in used paperbacks for credit there and I had some to turn in and I was hoping to get something to read for the boat ride home for free. I didn't find any of the books I was looking for though. I got Cade a book. Sofie had two in the car so she was set. She was busy with her toy from her kids meal anyway. Then we went to the store so I could pick up some milk for home and I got them something to drink. We were running a little behind than normal so we had to hurry up and park and pack up our bags for the walk to the baylines for the pick up. As we began walking Sofie asked if we were going home on the boat. I told her I was but she was going with Cade to see dad. She began crying in the middle of the sidewalk. She said she didn't want to go to the witch's house. I just said, "I know, I know sweetie." I tried to talk about other things to take her mind off it but she cried the whole walk. It takes us about 1o minutes. We got there right on the dot for the pick up time of 5:30. Sean was no where to be seen. I sat Sofie on a bench and wiped her nose. She kept saying she wanted to go home with mumma. I took her with me to buy a ticket and she asked if she could get a ghost ticket. Those are tickets the baylines gives to kids who want a ticket but don't have to pay yet because they are too young. She got it and cried again saying it wasn't a princess ticket. I just held her and hugged her. Cade was all twitchy because he didn't want to go either. He said his dad was going to coach a debate tournament on Saturday and Cade was going to go. He said that he wanted to go because even though he doesn't like going and thinks it's boring he would at least be away from the woman and her kids for the whole day. He said he brings his game boy and a book and parks himself in the adults lounge and is alone the whole day. His dad is in rounds so is not there except at lunch time. Cade likes that part. Still, Cade said he felt bad to go because he was worried about Sofie. He doesn't like her being left alone with Kathryn and Ragan. Especially now that the girl is biting Sofie again. He was torn and it showed. Five minutes before the boat was going to leave Sean came in. That is the last boat of the day too. If I missed it I would be stuck. I would have just taken the kids home anyway though. I told Sofie that her dad was here and she started crying all over again. Sean saw her and asked her what was wrong. She said she wanted to go home. I asked her if she wanted dad to hold her and she yelled no. She said again she wanted to go home with mumma. Sean looked annoyed and told her, "oh, come on Sofie." he didn't sound mean but was. I stood her on the bench and wiped her nose again and she asked to keep the tissue. I then asked her to do me a favor. She said ok. I asked her to go with dad and find the prettiest toy there she could find and bring it home for me. Could she do that? She said she could. I then asked her if she wanted to walk or have dad carry her to the car. Neither of course. So I asked her is she wanted me to take her and she said yes. So I picked her up and began to walk outside to his car. He glared at me and asked me where I was going. Later on I figured out he thought I was leaving to go home with her but at the time I was focused on Cade and Sofie and not his inner mind workings. I kinda blinked and told him I was taking Sofie to his car. To me it was a duh moment. Obviously he hadn't been paying attention to my conversation with Sofie. I had Cade get Sofie's bag with her dinner leftovers, his new books and drink. I got her in his car. She was crying all the way. I told her I was going to let dad buckle her in. She wanted kisses. I gave her some. I told her I would look for a nice princess book for her to read when she got home and she said ok. I said bye to Cade and she was just a wreak. Sean looked at me and thanked me. I still don't think he got it though. I wonder what it will be like when they get home today? I am tired just thinking about it. Sofie wasn't having a tantrum by any means. When a three year old has a tantrum you know it. She was just so sad. I think that made me feel worse.

So, Saturday I putted around and did chores while Will and I got caught up on our tv shows. He had the day off because of the weather. He is working today though. I was able to fold the laundry, vacuum during commercials, dishes and do all the dusting and picking up. I made a nice hot chili which I wanted more than soup for the raining day. I really got a lot done. Today, I slept in a little but not much. My head still hurts in the morning. It is just sinus congestion. It goes away after I sit up a while. I am having tea and then it is back to business. I miss the kids.


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