Saturday, October 17, 2009


I really tried but I got sick anyway. Night before last my throat was sore. I was so tired I dropped into a dead sleep real early but I had to get up early for the boat yesterday. I imagine if I could have stayed home I wouldn't feel so bad now. I really should be in bed now but it's Sofie's nap time and I put her in my room where I can shut the door. It's the weekend and everyone is here so I wanted her to have some quiet. Plus, I can sit still without having to get up for her anyway. Connor and Cade cleaned up for me today. I was thankful. Will is working. I had to go into town yesterday for Cade's therapy session. It went well. I would have skipped out on swim otherwise. Since we were already in town though we did the whole enchilada. I went grocery shopping and we went to swim. I did other errands. We had to walk to the boat in the morning since the car is still out of commission but we got a ride home. Sofie was really tired. I figured I would check my mail and stuff before settling down on the couch for a while. I have a fever so I need a nap. I got an email from Sean. He finally emailed me to ask if Connor could come over tomorrow. He might be getting it. I really am not in the mood to deal with him today. I was a little miffed he implied that he hadn't seen Connor in a long time even though Connor had told him he has wanted to see him like that was MY fault. They have both set up stuff and both bailed and Sean has set up stuff in his own mind that would have never happened anyway. That is also part of the reason why I have been a stick up your butt firm witch about any plans going through me now. So he asked, I told Connor, Connor said he would go, I emailed Sean confirming the plan and said if ANYTHING should change ie, Connor changes his mind or misses the boat etc. that we would contact him right away. That's the best I can do. So we'll see how it goes. Gotta go and rest now.


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