Thursday, October 8, 2009
Landlord came by. He asked if anything needed to be fixed and was upset DHHS wasn't being more helpful. I am totally freaked because I am so far behind with him. We talked about what we can do about catching up. I feel like my stomach has dropped out and my chest is on fire. So, since there is nothing I can do at the moment I am not already doing to fix the problem and worrying will just send me into an anxiety attack I thought I would do a short post. I have mentioned how much I like to read and people might wonder about how I am able to read as much as I do with as little time as I have. here are some pictures that help explain. I have a really nice book clip. I can prop my book up and read while I do other brainless things. I multitask..
Cooking dinner Brushing teeth
I want one of those book clips--where can I get one and are they expensive? The picture of your book on the toaster made me smile.
I got mine at my local used book store. It was $6.95. I got the pink one so the boys leave it alone. You could probably get one online too but I don't know for how much, plus shipping. I need to get a new book light now. They really don't last long enough. I got my last one at Borders but it was too pricy and it broke..:(
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