Wednesday, October 21, 2009

*sniff* part two

It's 6am and I feel too sick to go on the field trip today. I feel real bad Sofie didn't get to go. I really did too much yesterday. I didn't work after all. That's the bad thing about the babysitting I do, sometimes things change. So, I cleaned the house instead. I was feeling pretty good yesterday morning. I had almost a full nights sleep. I could breathe, which is always a good thing. Everything was looking nice. I started to get a sinus headache so I took some medicine and tried to work on the computers. I had some success. I did manage to get the laptop to work with the wireless. Score me! As a matter of fact I am using it now in bed with a cup to throat soothing tea, tissues, meds and chap stick. To be able to do this from bed feels like some kind of dream. A rich fantasy. It has been so long since I have used a mac that I have forgotten how to use it. How to save pictures or even open a new tab. As for my downstairs desktop only part success. It worked but wouldn't get online, not plugged in (with a really long Ethernet cable) or wireless. Now I have the wireless because of the one phone jack in the whole house that is upstairs. It makes things complicated to say the least. After some messing around with things in the control panel and checking the command prompts I got it to work with the wire. Not practical long term but it will work in a pinch. I even got it to work wireless for a little while. I have a serious IP issue that is making my brain implode. I turned everything off to make sure it would still work and I lost the wireless. Rats. I couldn't get it back. I know some of what is wrong but not how to fix it. I called my provider and they said it was a third party router so they couldn't help me and transferred me to their advanced tech guys. Ok. I am on hold for a while and finally get the tech guy. He said he could help me but it would cost me $14.99. I was beyond frustrated by then and was willing to pay. Then the hook. I had to make a 10 month at $14.99 commitment. Well, crap. So no deal. That was that. They KNEW how to help and just didn't. Cruel. So, next for the desktop...even with the non wireless I need to add a virus blocker. I have one on my other desktop and I think I can just do an add on without extra cost. I also need to figure out how the two pc's can communicate with each other so the kids can use the printer upstairs when they use the downstairs pc. I imagine that won't happen until I figure out the wireless issue because one long cord that we can trip over is enough. Until then they will have to use their pen drives. I am learning more than I want to know. *sigh*

Connor is still sick. He has to be better by tomorrow. He goes to school even if he has to drag himself there. He has a meeting with one of his teachers for the one low grade he has. The progress reports were what I expected. Thank goodness.

Will fell on the way to the boat today on the hill by the house and wound up rolling all the way to the bottom. Needless to say he missed to boat and limped home. He could have called me and I would have gotten him but he didn't think of it. Why even carry a cell? He must the the only teenager who forgets to use his cell. At least he didn't break his leg. It's pretty swollen around his knee though. He has it propped and iced. He isn't in much pain though which is good. You just never know what will happen. I could have gone on the field trip. Will could have broken his leg and no one would have been here to help him. We live one one side of the island where we are the only year round people. Unless someone went for a walk or something he would have just been there. He could of course have crawled to some one's house and and used their phone. The doors are usually unlocked. Of course their phones might be turned off for the winter...if they even had a phone. Everything is ok though. I won't dwell on what if's.


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