Saturday, October 3, 2009

please choose option 2

Got an email this morning from Sean today (he sent it yesterday after I had already left for town). In it he was again asking if the kids could stay until the later boat on Sunday. I had already told him from now on it was the 4pm on school nights period. I told him that again. He made excuses about he might be able to do it but it would be difficult and after this week things would be easier. I don't care. The kids need wind down time after they see him and if they get home at 7pm and go to bed at their normal 8pm time it is just a nightmare. We'll see what happens. Of course he tried to sweeten to pot by telling me he had paid the money he owed to DHHS weeks ago and that "it had just came to his attention" that he need to sign a release form to DHHS and he didn't understand what the hold up was but that everything should be fine now and that I had $5000 coming to me. I believe that like a hole in the head. First off the caseworker at DHHS already told me he had tried the signing of release form thing with them only he told them it was from his bank and now he tells me it is from DHHS. Whatever. Second, I checked my bank account again today and the money still isn't there. Then he tells me he will send the dental info to me "eventually" and that the kids last visit should be covered and he will "let me know." BS. My response was no to the staying late. I wanted the info now and a reminded him of Connor and Cade's dental appointment next week. I said NOTHING about the money or DHHS. I will not ever ask for or respond to anything concerning child support again. I got DHHS involved for this very reason and will not be drawn back into his games concerning it. He can try to bribe me, stall me, try and make me feel better by telling me money is on the way but his words are empty. Results are what matters and it isn't like I am going to put in a good word to DHHS for him. I'm not going to help him stall them. It makes me angry to think he thinks he can pull the wool over my eyes and abuse me like this then I get pissed at myself because the only reason he thinks that way is because I have let him do so in the past and it's my own damn fault in the first place.

As for dropping the kids off yesterday that was really hard. Thursday night I was getting Sofie ready for bed and she wanted to stay up. I told her she needed her rest because she had a big day ahead with going to town and swim lessons. She started to cry. I thought it was going to be about going to bed on time but it wasn't. She cried saying she wanted to stay home. I was concerned she didn't want to go to swim lessons but that wasn't the problem. She didn't want to go to the "witch's house" and she said, "I don't want to see dad." The next day we just focused on swim. She had asked me if I would ask her teacher if she would take Sofie out into the pool. That was huge. Sofie loves the water but she was wary of her teacher. When we got there though there was a new teacher. The regular teacher was going to be gone for that class and the next one then come back. I thought ,oh fooey. Just when Sofie was making progress. However, Sofie kept improving and got off the step and onto the wall and went back and forth on it. She showed off to the new teacher she could dunk her head and blow bubbles. Maybe next week she will just go to the wall and be a part of the class. She was so proud and all the other moms were telling her how wonderful she did that day. When we got to the bay lines however all that happiness and pride went into the toilet and she was very upset about having to go. Her friend Aiden showed up with his mom and that distracted her for a bit. When Sean showed up she cried again and held back behind me and said she wanted to go home. I held her and brought her over to him. He asked what was wrong and I said she just wanted to go home. He shrugged it off and said she was just tired. Please. I handed her to him and he asked her why she was crying and she said she wanted to go home. He told her she was going home and she got mad and said, "No! Home to the island!" and cried some more. I asked her to go with dad and bring home her barbie ring for me. I gave her some reeses pieces and she sniffed but said ok. Sean asked me if there was anything he should know about the kids. I wanted to tell him to ask them himself but all I said was to be watchful of Sofie because she didn't want to be with him this weekend. He nodded and left. I stayed in town to the late boat because I need groceries badly. I picked up Will, who stayed to help out and away we went. Who did we see at the store? Sean and the kids. Will took off so his dad wouldn't see him. Sofie called me and I went over to her. She stuck her lips out for a kiss which I gave her. Sean found it funny I guess because he laughed. I asked her what she wanted me to get for her. She asked for cereal and cheese. I said good bye. Cade gave me a hug and took off to look at the cakes. I hope to God Sean was getting him a birthday cake and had a present for him. After they disappeared into the deli section Will came back from where ever he was lurking and we continued our shopping but checked every aisle to make sure we didn't run into them. Then I heard a yell. Bye mommy! Bye mommy! I knew, just knew it was Sofie. I can pick out her voice anywhere. I looked around and saw her just as Sean was pushing her out the doors. I waved and she was trying to stand up and she was smiling at me. Sean looked annoyed and frustrated. Oh well. They were quite a ways away too. I am surprised I heard her at all. She can shout with the best of them though....:) *snicker*


Carol said...

This post just broke my heart! You are so strong, to handle this with the grace that you do...I'm not sure I would be able to! I know it's the "right" thing to do, to have the visits, but that doesn't stop it from being've really gotten the short end of the stick. I hope that will be changing soon, though....once DHHS starts making progress....

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