Monday, October 5, 2009


Talk about an ego boost. Sofie came home last night and as soon as she saw me she screamed, "Mommy! Mommy, Mommy I'm home!" and she ran to me and I picked her up and she hugged me so tight I didn't know she was that strong. Then she kissed my cheek over and over. Connor was there and laughed and said, "Looks like she's happy to be home." He had a big smile on his face and we left to go to the house. Sean just stood there and said nothing.

Of course today Sofie is having some adjustment issues. She is always really whiny when she comes home. She is doing a little better now. She has her friend here and they were at each other throats for the first 10 minutes but I told him she was not in a good mood and I sent her to the couch with her blankey and a cup of milk then took him to go play. I told her when she felt better and wanted to play nice then she could join us but if she whined or was mean she would have to go back to the couch. After about half an hour she got up and has been fine ever since. *whew*

Cade went right to the fridge when he got home. He got a big glass of milk, a cheese stick and a cup of yogurt. He said to me, "Finally REAL food." I kind of laughed and said, "What no dairy products over there?" He said they did but they could only have one slice of cheese a day or one yogurt. The milk he said was nasty. Cade said they told him it wasn't healthy to have more than one slice of cheese a day. Not healthy? YET, he said his dad went and bought a bag of Oreos and kept them for himself and "the wife" but the kids weren't allowed to have any. Ate them right in front of them. How mean...:(


Carol said...

DD ALWAYS had adjustment issues when she used to be allowed to visit her bio mom at her house. When you can see a pattern, they're not as tough as they would be just out of the blue....

That was really mean about the Oreos!!!! And one slice of cheese a day?????!!!!! What the heck!!!!! That's pathetic. Just another little control thing. I hope that someday when Sean is in a nursing home with no teeth, your kids bring steak and eat it in front of him! (but probably by that time he'd be so pathetic it'd be hard to be mean, huh?)

perphila said...

No. I could do it...:)

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