Monday, October 12, 2009

Back Home

I was gone the past few days. I came home late on Saturday and slept well. Yesterday I cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Not that the place was a wreak but still... I got caught up on almost all my tv shows I like. It was background to the cleaning. I vacuumed during commercials. I did laundry the whole day. I even deep cleaned things like the toaster and other odd and ends. I was working on the upstairs today but I have a headache now and thought I would take a little break. I didn't get much sleep last night. I was congested. Hopefully I am not getting a cold. It's time to dig out the winter clothes. That will be a project I will start after the tylenol kicks in. In the mean time I am putting clothes away and making up beds and just putting things back in their proper places. It's been a trying week emotionally to say the very least. Tomorrow I get back to babysitting and finding out if I have the child support yet. I think this week will be quiet over all. I have one meeting on Wednesday for the PTC and the CIA. Cade has therapy on Friday so I will do my food shopping then. There is also swim for Cade and Sofie. All the kids will be home this weekend which will be nice. Hopefully the island car will be fixed this week. It just is totally dead now. I have a mechanic looking at it sometime this week and he won't charge me. Sweet. I am getting two new books to read on Tuesday. Connor should have gotten them for me on Saturday from the post office but he just brought home the yellow slip and didn't pick up the package. I know I am teetering on an emotional cusp when I found out he spaced it I was so bummed out I almost cried. I was really looking forward to relaxing and reading at least one of them this weekend. Instead I cleaned like a demon. I was on my hands and knees so much my knees were actually red and nasty by the end of the day. I "channeled" my sad feelings into OCD...:) It feels real good though to be in a clean house I must say. I need to go through paperwork this week and I really don't want to do that. I would rather wash windows or clean the toilet. Oh well. I did that already. Maybe I will take an hour to myself this afternoon before Sofie and Cade come home. They stayed and extra day with their dad because of the holiday. Connor talked with his dad about maybe coming over but never did. Connor would rather talk with his friends. I don't blame him.


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