Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Plans for the Day

I survived the test. It was brutal. I did well on the multiple choice but the essay and fill in the blanks? Crap shoot. I passed I am sure but ...*sigh* Now, we have three chapters to read by Thursday and a completed workbook for homework grade. It will be mostly practical from here on in. I am not very confident in that yet.

I am working today. It's an early release day for the schools so Will is home and he will be taking over watching the little boy while I go to a PTC meeting. I have to get the ledger ready so we can plan some stuff. I will bring Sofie with me but both of them would be a nightmare. It is scheduled for his nap time and I don't want to mess that up..:)

Work day tomorrow and probably Friday until 4pm when I bring Sofie in for a dad weekend. I am not sure what Cade will do yet.

Woke with a headache again today. Not too bad though thankfully. Got to go balance the books.

Where is my tax return....:( ?


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