Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rate your Teacher

I found a website the other day by chance and "she" was on it. It was a rating from her students about her teaching abilities. Thought I would share, to be fair there were six good ones. They said they thought she was cool. The negative comments far outnumbered the good ones these were just a few of the funniest.

The stupidest teacher at DHS!!!!!!!

I don't think I learned anything in her class. Ugh. It didn't seem like she cared about her students at all.

Biased and confusing. She has prewritten expectations that she won't tell you. Extra help isn't helpful. 1 of the worst teachers. I didn't learn anything from her.

Probably the worst teacher I have had. She seems to know the material well, but doesn't let students put forth their own ideas. Plays favorites far too heavily.

One of the worst experiences of my four years. Very hard to get a handle on her expectations. Prepackaged grading rubrics. Forget extra help.

Her grading is insanely biased and subjective. She picks favourites and has pre determined expectations that she wont tell you. Every assignment is a shot in the dark. Know the material, can't teach.

Plays a lot of favorites as already said. Sees teaching as more of a socializing activity and lunch break than as her job to do well. Teaching approach adds up to "go do work".

I hate her and her class. She doesn't like kids or teaching. She needs to find a new career.


Carol said...

I love them. If even the kids she teaches are thinking this way, well, that says a lot.....I am thinking that she and Sean deserve each other! And you got the best end of the deal!!!

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