Sunday, April 4, 2010


I think I pulled it off. If anyone was following my tweets yesterday then you already know I totally forgot it was going to be Easter today. I was so dead set in my mind it was NEXT weekend I just spaced it. I was IM with Will yesterday (he was in town at a friends house) and I told him I wanted to go shopping today and he asked me if the stores would be open because it was going to be Easter. I told him it was next weekend and he sent me a link (I don't have a calendar at home) and I totally freaked. I had nothing prepared. I had thought I was ahead of the game and had planned on getting my candy and stuff today and I had already ordered a movie since "the bunny" brings a disney movie every year. I had plans on hitting goodwill and the dollar store for little do dads to fill the basket out. Well, so much for that idea. We have no food again and I checked all the stores online and by phone, all closed so I am home today. No Easter dinner here. I did have a friend who brought me milk and eggs yesterday I had asked for since they were in town. Thankfully she had bought white eggs so we dyed half of them last night. I asked Will since he was in town already to try and grab some chocolate bunnies and jellybeans which he did. I went upstairs in the crawlspace and dug out the Easter box and around 10pm Will and I hid eggs. I had a bunch or plastic ones so we used those. Connor had asked to visit with his aunts and grandparents so I said not realizing until after he left on the boat it was going to be Easter. I bet he knew the toad. Anyway, I had some leftover things i the Easter box I used and the basket looked ok. In one egg I left a note saying due to technical difficulties the basket was not able to be fully completed at this time. When the rest of the items were available a single eggs would be left on the table and the hunt to the missing basket items could commence. Cade thought that was hilarious and is looking forward to further hunting this week. Last night the kids like the color of the dyes so much they decided to use it in their hair. It was kind of green looking but now Sofie had two pink streaks, Will had pink ends and Cade is all pink. Just like their eggs. It was pretty cute. Sofie said, "I am being very patient!" as she waited for her hair to color. After they were all done hunting they decided to take some plastic eggs and candy and hide some for Connor. They made it real hard since he is older. They had fun with it too. Cade said the Easter bunny must have a blast hiding all the eggs. They even put one in a ziplock bag and put it in the back of the toilet. I hope Connor enjoys himself. I had a few old carrots left and we left them out for "the bunny". The kids had fun and are happy with their hair and haul so I guess I managed to make it work. As for church the island one is closed for the winter and I hadn't gotten my act together to go in town so we are staying home this year. I feel kind of bad about it but there isn't anything I can do about it now. As for "Easter dinner" we are baking homemade bread and made egg salad out of the dyed eggs. It was fun to make and I am sure will be more fun to eat. Now if only the bread was done already! Thank goodness I made a big breakfast of pancakes and bacon to tide us over...:)

Still no word from Sean. I have no idea what he's thinking. Is he mad? Sad? Could he care less? I guess I'll find out next week?


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