Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thank You!

I want to send a big shout out and thank you sprinkled with hug to Carol for her contribution the the legal fund! I can use it for all those incidentals some people don't think about. Certified mail, ferry ticket to court, parking, etc. , who knew just showing up would cost so much? Like lawyer's fee weren't enough. The lawyer is asking for compensation from Sean towards that as well. I am bracing myself for next Wednesday but I am much calmer than I was the first time. I am not even worrying about dressing up. I will wear what I have. I am what I am and it doesn't make any less of a good mother. :)

I can't believe it's been a whole week since I posted anything. I am multitasking again and eating lunch while I write this. I am also putting my feet up because they have been swelling up since Thursday. I have been on my feet way too much lately.

Last week I went to do a clean up job after a wedding reception with a friend and we wound up being the caterers. It was unexpected but quick. We cooked up 40 lobsters among other things. It was a wild night running around. Then another day I had a cleaning job in the afternoon after my daycare gig and the place was twice as bad as normal. I had Will and Connor help me so I wouldn't run out of time. I couldn't do it the next day because I was taking the kids in town for the weekend to a anime/manga convention. They had been saving up since last year for it and I was their ride and food provider (food stamps and filled coolers). Sadly Sofie was only with us for one day. I had to drop her off with Sean Friday afternoon. Some friends of the kids came too and they also helped split the cost. I only paid for my ticket to get in. Nice. I was walking around all weekend though. Since coming back it's been work, work, work. I am doing the daycare now, I did library this morning and I am cleaning a house this afternoon. Thursday it's daycare again and another house to clean. I am doing about 15-16 hours work days. At least watching the kids helps when I have to put my feet up like now. I am also able to clean my house a little. I have no real ambition to clean my own house after cleaning other peoples. I spent 3 hours cleaning windows last night at another job. Just. Windows. I hope all this dog like working will help out some. I got the second half of my library check on Monday. My email to the president worked. I dropped by the lawyers office yesterday and paid him another $500. When the second check clears I can pay the rest. What a relief. Another good thing, I got a check today from the dentist office. I was FINALLY reimbursed for the kids visit last September. There was still a small difference so I emailed Sean today about that and what he owes. I am not holding my breath.

Cade's therapy went well. I talked with his counselor first. She told me she had gotten a weird call from Sean last Friday and he left a message saying he wanted to know how things were going and when he could come into Cade's sessions. She called him back on Monday and told him she had thought she had made it clear he needed to be the one calling Cade and the two of them needed to work out Sean's attendance at therapy. She said she felt he thought she was the one who was going to be pushing him and Cade together. She told him she wasn't going to get involved in that way. She wanted Cade to feel therapy was a safe place and if she pushed him too hard he would stop being open. He told her he had been calling Cade and leaving messages but we never answered the phone or called him back. I was stunned. You would think I wouldn't get stunned anymore. Still, a flat out lie is hard to swallow. I told her Sean has called the house to speak with Connor but has never asked for Cade. Also, he hadn't left a single message for Cade since their last bad phone call. She told me she had spoken to our co-parenting counselor to get a firmer grasp on Sean's behavior. The whole lack of follow through thing. She is getting it first hand now. I also told her I was grateful she was telling Sean that he needs to be the parent but unless he thinks calling Cade is his idea he most likely wouldn't. Also, he asked if she could schedule Cade's appointments to the afternoons because he couldn't come in the mornings. He said he is babysitting since Kathryn is teaching summer school. While I tried not to laugh at the idea he thinks he is "babysitting" his own kid and step kid instead of just being a parent the counselor said he felt Kathryn was probably strong willed. I just shrugged. I explained to her why afternoons were bad for us since Cade is not thrilled being in therapy during the summer (and he really needs to go) the one thing I promised was that he wouldn't miss Tuesday night softball. That means we HAVE to catch the 2:15 ferry to get here on time. Also, I don't have my library job on Tuesdays although I am still missing a full day of daycare work to bring Cade to therapy and do our shopping. She told me Sean is the one who needs to talk with Cade about changing the schedule and explaining why. She said I shouldn't even mention it to Cade and not to get involved. If Sean tries to go though me then I should tell him HE has to be the one to talk to Cade about it. Fine with me. She told Sean she wasn't going to change anything until Cade was informed since her client is Cade not Sean or me. Bam. I told her I felt Sean was the one who made the choice to have another child and be responsible for a stepchild and needs to work around that just like I do with our four children. I bring Sofie if I have to. I get sitters if I need to. If I can't pay them I work for them. Whatever it takes just like everyone else has to. He isn't any different from anyone else. Was it easy for me carting around a 16 month old and 8 year old to DHHS, therapy, etc. those first few days and months he left us? So, she told Cade the same thing about Sean saying he has been calling and calling. Cade just laughed and told her how his dad was a liar. Here is the funny thing. I checked the messages when we got home. I hadn't done that since we left for the weekend on Friday. I had checked the caller id to see if Sean had called but he hadn't. Lo and behold Sean did leave a message (the ONLY one since this whole thing has started) about Cade and wondering if he could go with Cade to therapy. This message wasn't fully addressed to Cade however. He just doesn't get it. It's like he will do ANYTHING to avoid a real conversation with Cade or whoever he is having conflict with. I told Cade his dad called and let him listen to the message. Cade however was so angry with his dad lying to his counselor about how we never pick up and how frequently he had been trying to get a hold of Cade I have serious doubts if he will call his dad back. Cade had said if his dad called him he would talk to him but I am doing my utmost best to stay out of it. It is so hard. Although I think not talking to each other is unhealthy, in the long run they are the ones who need to bridge this gap, not me. I would only be hurting the both of them if I got in the middle again. I want to rip my hair out sometimes. What gets my goat about Sean's message is that I spoke with him over one of the boys cell phones on Friday. I saw him to drop Sofie off. I called him on Sunday and offered to bring her home since I was in town anyway. I saw him again. He never once told me he had called, never said anything about it. He knew we were in town the whole weekend. What is it with guys and the whole non-verbal thing? So the counselor suggested I email Sean and let him know she had mentioned to me about all these calls he had supposedly made and make him aware that we hadn't received any of them. Not accusing, just letting him know what we had or had not gotten from him. Bases covered. I did that today. I told him we got his message and Cade heard it but that we had not received anything else from him. That we have always answered the phone when he has called when we are home. Proof of that is how easily he has been able to get a hold of Connor. I have also called him back even if he hadn't left a message if I saw his name on the caller id as a missed call. I was blunt that since his last call with Cade in March we had not heard from him concerning Cade in ANY form. Done. Then I sent him another email about the dental bill and forwarded a previous email about the dental stuff as well. I sent another one (he is probably mad) about Sofie and letting him know when we would be in town on Friday and that she had come home from the last visit saying dammit. I told him what I have done about it and since even our teenage boys don't swear in the house it seems to be a successful plan. I asked if he would follow it and make extra effort to not use bad language in front of her. I KNOW he does because he did it all the time with the boys. I have no allusions that he will curb his foul mouth since he never did with the boys but I have it in writing that I kept him informed.

I need a nap. I am falling asleep. How am I going to clean a house tonight?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Empty Shells

Don't you hate falling into the trap of counting chickens before they hatch? I try not to do that but I do sometimes. I am back an the money worry thing. I did get my check today for the library but it was only half. I asked the treasurer if I could have the whole thing and he said he would have to "ask around". Huh? Every single year he has asked me if I wanted the whole thing in June or broken up. I always asked for it to be broken up because it helps me budget things. This is the first time I have asked for the whole thing. I was pretty upset as you can imagine. Just asking was hard enough. I emailed the president (who knows what's going on) and asked her to tell him to give me the rest if he asked her about it. Now I feel like I am in a bind.

I saw the lawyer yesterday. I was just going to pop in and see if I could make an appointment for next week and see if he would take the $2000 I had. He took it and saw me right away. I did some signing for child support stuff and he wrote out our answer to Sean for him to be served with. I was feeling pretty good. Relieved. Now I am in a panic again because I told him I would bring the rest of the money next week. Now I can't. I do have $900 though and I am sure he will be ok with that but I am so angry right now. I feel like a liar and it's all my fault, stupid empty chicken eggs. I am doing and extra job tonight and I hope it comes with a check. I also am not sure if I am getting my daycare money today or not. I am seeing the mom tonight so I hope so. I am working right now as a matter of fact. It's nap time so I am grabbing some lunch for me while a look over bank accounts. I have about $100 to my name now. This is about the same shape I was in when Sean left. I had been making progress but now....

On to other things. Cade's therapy went well yesterday. He talked about how much he hates Kathryn. The counselor told me she was going to call Sean one more time and remind him that he is the dad. Cade told her how his dad still hadn't called him. We are set up for another appointment next week. I went to DHHS for them to collect the dental money Sean owes and I had everything they needed except a spreadsheet. Well, darn. I had sent him stuff by certified mail so he couldn't say I never sent him the bill. Just what DHHS wanted to I was ahead of the ball on that one. More work for me and another trip. Great. The case worker is jumping at the bit for me to file contempt against him. I will have to talk with the lawyer about that. *sigh*

Connor has to go back to school next week do hand in his math work to get his two credits for the year. I have been emailing his crew leader about the boat schedule and the city bus schedule trying to get things figured out. I told her some days Connor might be a hour late due to the boat and bus but the rest of the week would be fine. Sean emailed me back demanding Connor take a certain boat and bus and "there is no reason why he can't" blah, blah. Well, I don't see him offering for Connor to stay with him for the week to "be on time", or offering to pick him up at the earlier time. He did offer to pick him up for the later boat and Connor would only miss half an hour than a full hour. Big deal. Missing a whole hour is worth not having to deal with him. Connor was less than thrilled at his dad's attitude. He said, "I have done a lot of work. I worked hard too. I took responsibility. What's with his attitude? He's not being a dad, just a bully." I told him to ignore it and just do what he was doing. Focus on his work and let everything else fall away. We'll see.

Feeling very stomach aches constantly.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Yesterday afternoon. Sofie asked me where her soul was. Ok. I was not expecting that. I tried to think of a simple explanation for her. This of course led to other topics and she wound up crying because she said she wanted to see her grandpa (my dad), who she never got a chance to meet. It was very sad. I have no idea why she was thinking about these things. We had a very nice day. I shoved my life crap to the side and we went to the library. I did some work while she read some books and watched some videos of Cade on youtube. Then we visited some friends. She played and fell off the swing. She didn't cry once and just got right back on. Then we went to the beach. The water was pretty cold at first so we went to the tidal pools and they were very warm. Eventually the tide came back in and she got right in and got me soaked. I wasn't dressed to the beach. We were only supposed to be looking for sea glass but you know how it goes. We spent three hours there and began walking home. Everyone was smiling at her a waving. One lady even gave her a porcelain doll. She has charisma. We got a ride and she played with the small dog in the car we were in. She was pretty tired. Then we had that conversation. We went to bed early because I brought her in on the morning boat to see Sean. He thanked me for bringing her in when we got there. I think he knew he was a dunce for not setting something up for father's day to to begin with. Sean did call Connor yesterday (an hour before the boat) so he went in after all. Connor is riding back with Sofie this afternoon. Sean I guess doesn't want to be away from "his family on father's day" to bring her back. The toad.

Some good news. The library treasurer is coming this Tuesday. I did email him on Saturday and he said he will give me my check on Wednesday. I will have my money for the lawyer in full by the end of the week (check has to clear, 3 days by bank rules). I feel SO much better! I am going to call the lawyer tomorrow and see if he will take some of the money Tuesday and get started.

Well, Will is home from his Soul weekend internship trip. If he takes the course he wants in college he will be able to marry people. Amazing.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

So tired...again

I should have made some phone calls yesterday but I went to work at the library instead. I didn't have to babysit so I took Cade and Sofie with me to work. I set a table up on the library porch and they had lunch there and read and did a puzzle. It was nice. Then they came in and played on the extra computer. One one patron came in so I was able to get a lot of work done. I am making a display for the summer about banned books and Cade is designing the sign to go with it. He is having fun with that. He helped me comb through the stacks for books the library carries that have been banned at one point or another to add to the display. I am going back today for a little while I have some shelving and processing to do. My hours are supposed to be two hours a day but I was there 7 hours yesterday. When we got home the kids played with the hose. It was a hot day. Sofie wore her new (to her) bathing suit. While they did that I spent the next two hours going through papers and stuff. I had to find my taxes for last year, my life insurance, and a few other things. I needed to fill out some forms for court and had to figure out child support stuff. After doing that I realized the math is all different for how much I should be getting. I should be getting $320 a week not $221. If I am really lucky Sean's attempt to get back at me will back fire. The more I look into things the more leverage I think I will have going into any mediation. I would be so happy if I could get $1000 a month for child support again. I could finally catch up on the rent! Still, I am not going to get all excited yet. I still have to focus on retaining the lawyer. I am going to email the library treasurer today and see if he can mail me my check. I also am going to ask the mom I babysit for if her check cleared so I can get some more money from her. Monday I will call the lawyer. Tuesday Cade has therapy and I am going to DHHS to give the the dental papers so they can add that to the collection. I will also ask them about a paper I got in the mail yesterday. They sent it to the clerks office about the court hearing. They said I only got health care from them as assistance and asked for Sean to pay medical. I need to ask them if they should have added food stamps in that and remind them Sean does pay medical for the kids but they have health care as a back up. That covers co-pays from me and eye care which Sean's insurance doesn't cover. Then I quick (or not) trip to the IRS office and see if they have a file for me I can copy about the whole tax mess so Sean can be made to pay for that. I still am waiting to hear about the whole licence issue with Sean. He has 21 days from June 2nd to file for a hearing with DHHS then after 30 days they will take other measures to collect which will include taking any and all licences he may have. On another note. Connor is supposed to visit his dad today and spend the night and come home tomorrow. He told me his dad called him and asked for him to come. I find it ironic Sean called and talked to Connor and never asked to speak to Cade. I reminded Connor of the rules. His dad has to contact me to confirm or he doesn't go. Connor said ok and that he would remind his dad. I still haven't heard anything from Sean and I am smelling a wonderful conflict later today. I did tell Connor though I was bringing Sofie in tomorrow to see dad for father's day and he is welcome to come as well. I am such a witch keeping him from his dad huh? Ok, I have work to do today...more later

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Feel Good Therapy

So, I could have freaked out but instead I made dinner. Nothing can make you feel better than sitting down to dinner with your family and telling stories and laughing about the day. I had a glass of wine too. I am sure that didn't hurt....:) One glass with dinner and no more. I don't need the headache or the bad example to set before the kids. Dishes are done for the day and so am I.

Got a Date

July 7th. That's my first court date. I am trying not to freak out. I know it's just a preliminary hearing so I shouldn't worry too much. I would feel better if I had the full amount for the lawyer so I could be prepared in time. Twenty days is just not a long away as you might think. Right now I have $2000 and I will have more coming in next week. I will call the lawyer and see if he will take the $2000 so we can get started. I just need some more time to get the rest. Timing is everything isn't it? Stay calm, stay calm....

Long Day #?

Cade has been antsy since Saturday about going to therapy this week. He whined, he cried, he begged. I told him he needed to talk this over with his counselor and they could come up with a plan together about what to do. We all got on the morning boat and went grocery shopping. It was only 7:45am and I wanted to pull my hair out. They were grumbling and snipping at each other all morning. I knew they were tired of course so I bit my tongue. I also knew the boys weren't looking forward to going to the dentist that afternoon to get their sealants replaced. Shopping for food seemed to cheer them up. Who knew? I did a few other errands and then it was time for Cade's therapy appointment. Will and Connor stayed in the are to take a nap and Sofie was looking forward to playing the the toys in the office. Cade had his chat and then I went in. The counselor told me Cade told her he really didn't want to come back but she had to pull it out of him. She told me he is so polite she had to remind him he can be open with her and tell her if there is stuff he doesn't like. He did agree to come back because she found he likes playing games more than just talking and while they do that he relaxes and opens up. So we are coming back again next week and then go from there about weekly or every other week visits. She said she feels like Cade is in a holding pattern. What is going to make a change is if he finds out about the whole visitation mess because of his dad's threats him over the phone and now Sean is doing it. She is worried how Cade will react to that and if he will feel guilty. She was surprised and encouraged by his response about how he doesn't feel guilt or that his dad leaving and the divorce are his fault. A lot of kids do. I told her that I repeatedly check in with him about that and remind him (and all of them except for Sofie) about the same issue. The other thing that could change things was if Sean talked with Cade. She said she was surprised he hadn't called Cade already. I told her Sean did the same thing with Will and at this point I didn't even want to try and guess what Sean would do. He might call, he might not. Sean is predictably unpredictable...:)

Then it was time for the dentist. I had hoped the visit wasn't going to be as long as it was. I wasn't able to go to the IRS office like I had planned but I was able to get some info from the dentist. I got a print out of everything I have paid since I have been taking the kids there. I talked with the billing lady and even though I don't know the dental insurance info which Sean should have already provided for me I was able to find out when it went into effect. The big bill he is trying to wiggle out of from last September was covered. The office resubmitted the bill right in front of me and the insurance company will pay the dental office and they will reimburse me. Whoo Hoo! I still have to wait three weeks but to finally have a light at the end of the tunnel is good. If there is anything the insurance doesn't cover I can then have Sean pay his portion of that. I hope it is fully covered. I have to email Sean later today about it and prep him for what I had to pay yesterday. $136 after insurance. I hadn't planned on that. I am glad I have been paying the credit card off for stuff like that.

I am getting paid again later this week for the daycare I do. The family the mom works for is finally paying her. I deposited the check for her yesterday and once it clears then I get paid. I am getting closer to my goal. I still need my library money but the treasurer isn't on island yet. The wait is killing me.

Gotta run and check on the napping preschoolers.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Got a call today from Cade's counselor. She is keeping me in the loop of her conversations with Sean. She told him about Cade considering calling or emailing him last weekend. Obviously Cade didn't do that but he did think about which is step in the right direction. She said she also didn't think Cade was ready to do it. She also told Sean she would talk to Cade in his next session (which is tomorrow) about having his dad come in next week. I told her about Cade's resistance in wanting to go to counseling lately. Since Saturday he has been saying he doesn't want to go back. I also told her about the fact he has had some recent nightmares about his dad. In one his dad got really angry and was yelling and smashing things and Cade didn't know what had made him so mad. The next one was ok about Sean but the baby didn't exist, Kathryn had left and the girl had died in a volcano because Cade sent her there. He got to be alone with his dad. So you can see how Cade wants to have time with his dad and how much he doesn't want the others around but also he has some fears of his dad as well. She told me she had told Cade she wouldn't push him to do something he didn't want to like having his dad in sessions right away but at the same time she also doesn't want him to avoid stuff either and I agreed. It is such a fine line. She did say that when she spoke with Sean she told him he needs to be the one picking up the phone and calling Cade. As an adult he should be the one trying to make connections and start the healing not Cade. Cade is too little. It is what they try and coach and recommend there. I totally agreed with that. Since the last phone call Cade had with his dad (a call Cade made) Sean hasn't spoken to Cade or tried to contact him in any way. The last time Cade SAW his dad, Sean got angry, demanding and intimidating and then walked out on him. So, things are pretty bad. I have been trying to reassure Cade that his counselor isn't going to force Cade to see his dad or make him do something he isn't ready for. I also told him her job is to help Cade not his dad or me just Cade. Sometimes that means she might push him a little but never too hard or too far, only just enough. She is also there to teach him things to help him get through those uncomfortable moments and to keep him safe. While she is there there is nothing dad will do to hurt him. He is still grumbling about going but hasn't flat out refused or thrown a tantrum. Grumbles are ok. I think when he does finally see his dad it will be in therapy and there will be a lot of grumbling and maybe even a few tears but one step at a time. She talked with Sean yesterday, as of yet he still hasn't tried to make contact with Cade. We'll see if he does. She told me she wasn't going to get in the middle of anything concerning visitations pro or con she was just there for Cade and I told her I wasn't even worrying about that. My only concern was Cade and I didn't want anything like custody or visitations clouding the issues. The plan should be the same as it would be just as if there wasn't anything going on. I am not going to let what Sean is doing now change anything. I got Cade back into therapy before Sean dropped this court stuff on my head and I am not going to push Cade to see his dad more because of his threats. When Cade is ready and when Sean makes an effort it will happen. Only the two of them can determine that.

T.V Shows

Will was flipping through some channels the other day after work and landed on the Discovery Health Channel. He loves that station and I think he has seen every episode of Mystery Diagnoses amongst others. He really hates when they have a full day of baby shows. It's quite funny. Anyway, there was a show on the day before yesterday that caught his eye. Bipolar Mysteries. Has anyone else seen it? He recorded it. I haven't seen the whole thing, I might try and watch it tonight. I did see some of it that concerned a bipolar child. It was so sad. Cade was watching it yesterday and that was why I saw that part. Cade said how the kid acted reminded him of his dad's mood swings but the kid was worse. I was reminded of how I once tried touching Sean when he was upset, which I had done hundreds of times before and he flipped out, nearly punching me and swearing. I have to remind myself at times like that how not normal that kind of behavior is. Well, I hope to find some time to watch it. I don't know if it's a series or just a one shot episode. I'll let you know.

Working again today but it's short day. I am owed a lot of daycare money and she doesn't know when the family she painted for is going to pay her. She is very upset at not getting paid. I don't blame her. Me either...:) I know it's not her fault though. She helps me out a lot so I'm not complaining. She doesn't want to get further and further in debt to me. She did give me $250 yesterday. It is going to the lawyer fund.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fun and Games

Yesterday we had our cookout for our EMT class. A graduation of passing and completing our course. It was held in the house I used to live in when we first moved to the island. Cade was only 2 and we lived there four years and Sofie came home from the hospital there. It was hard being there at first. I haven't been back there since we moved out and it was hard not to cry. Overall though I had a good time once everyone was there. I don't know why but I felt a bit nervous. We told stories and our instructor did the grilling. I am not sure I mentioned it but he is very tall. Like, a mountain tall. He was running to catch the boat and smacked his head on the door and passed out cold. Good thing we were well trained...:) He was fine. When it was all done everyone caught the boat and it was rather sad.

I was at the boat to pick Sofie up. It was the normal time for me to pick her up. She wasn't there. I was not very happy to have to ask people I knew who got off the boat if they had seen her or Sean. No one had. I thought about calling him right away but instead I went and helped clean up the house instead. There was nothing I could do about it anyway. After I got home I tried to call Connor. He was coming home on the next boat. The one Sofie should be coming on next. I figured he could look out for her. He didn't answer. I figured he didn't hear the phone because he did call home earlier. I checked my email and Sean emailed me about Sofie but it was last minute. I called him thinking he might be with Connor since it was boat time in the city and Sean answered and said he sent Sofie home on the boat with Connor. It always makes me mad when he does that. Connor goes to catch the boat home and unknowingly winds up babysitting his sister on a ferry for an hour and a half. I am sure he was surprised. Sean apologized and said he should have called. I ignored the whole thing. Not worth fighting over. I just wanted to make sure Connor was ok. Sean said he was and I thanked him, the end. Connor called me right after that.

Sofie has been a whiny mess since she got home. She is so tired and scratched up. She said the girl there did it with a hair brush. Wonderful. She also thinks she can scream to get her way and be rude. I told her this was not dad's house and she had to follow the rules here the same as her brothers. She stopped crying right away. It was so sudden I was kind of shocked. It was a nice try on her part I guess to try and get away with being a brat but oh, well. Nipped in the bud, thank goodness.

Oh another note, I think I am getting unwittingly set up on a date. The island teacher's wife's mother (who was also in our EMT class and lives on another island) thought I would get along well with one of her sons....heh, heh. The wife also thinks I would match well with her brother and they are a powerful force I must say. He is my age maybe half a year older. We'll see. It's not that I am against it. I am not really for getting set up either. I would sure do a group thing. That would be fun. Life doesn't stop because of bipolar fall out. I am not going to let this court threat take up my whole life like before. Kids are still and always will be first. This time I need to show it more. In a few weekends it will be convention time. The boys are beside themselves with excitement. They are paying most of the cost themselves. Inviting a few friends who are also covering costs. I am basically food (thank you food stamps) and transportation. It will be fun. I am going to try and focus on that.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday was the big graduation/end of year ceremony for the island school. It's always a big community event and it's always a bit stressful to pull off. I have been involved since 2002 when we moved out here. Back then there were six families with 10 kids in school. Two were mine. Now there is three families plus the teacher's wife and son. Half the year there was only two. It has been harder to pull off the xmas party and other school sponsored events but we managed. If Sofie goes (she is now enrolled for preschool!) and Sean doesn't get custody of them for the school week I will have another 7 years of school events to plan and look forward to..:) Yesterday was wonderful. Sofie got to wear the dress she picked out herself at Goodwill and her brand new open toed white shiny shoes. She showed them off to everyone. Will and Connor missed there last official day of school to be there for Cade. Oh no, I guess Sean is right and I am not a committed parent to Will and Connor. Anyway, it was at the hall and a lot of people came. We ate then the kids did their thing. There was a video of our trip to Boston. I added the link below.

The kids did all the editing and it's pretty good for elementary students. Sofie and Cade are funny in it. Even Connor spoke! Then the kids showed videos of their knowledge of the scientific method. I added a link below of Cade's video.

They did a little skit promoting our new fundraising for next year. Then came awards. Cade got a geography award and later on they pop quizzed him onstage and he answered everything even though he didn't know they were going to do that. He then asked if they wanted facts to go with the maps they asked him to name. That got a laugh. He got his graduation certificate, presents from the PTC and a memory book from his classmates. Then it was time for cake! Sean didn't come. He knows this is Cade's last year at this school. He never asked about coming. So...

I will post more pictures of the day later...:)

Cade's Graduation Speech

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I am the valedictorian of the 2009-2010 Cliff Island School Year. I am the 5th grader and Cliff Island School soon to be a 6th grader at King Middle School. My six year experience here has been AMAZING! I have had two great teachers. I have had two great ed techs. I have had four great principals. Don't worry, I am going to a fantastic middle school. The kids I went to school here with were AWESOME. I even went to school here with my brother Connor for two years. There are so many great things about this school I can't even start. My two favorite things about this school is that we got to go home for lunch and just hanging out with my friends. I will still come back to Cliff Island School on snow days. This is the best school experience any kid could ask for!

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Skinny

Yesterday was a very long day. Starting with the 6am ferry then a visit with Cade's counselor. It went well. I went in to talk first and we were chatting about Sean coming in to visit the day before. She was just informing him of Cade's return to therapy and that she knew he had been seen there before and why Cade was seeing her and not the guy Cade saw previously (he's on extended vacation). She told him about going through the getting to know you sessions and then asked Sean for his thoughts. She said he was very distant, cold and very guarded. He was cooperative and answered all her questions of course. He wanted to know why he hadn't been told earlier about Cade coming to therapy. I am sure he will try and use that fact I didn't say anything against me. Therapy is a ongoing process and he knows where Cade goes, he is well aware that if Cade is refusing to see him then there is a serious issue that needs to be resolved. She told him she had meant to contact him earlier but hadn't gotten to it yet and it was my prompt that reminded her. He gave his version of the stealing issue and I was a little angry at how one the one hand in his legal statement he uses the "stealing" issue as a main point saying his "certainty" of Cade's stealing and that if Cade lives with him during the week he could combat this, yet to the counselor he stated he can't be sure where the money went. She (the counselor) was saying to Cade this may be an issue where their both may have to agree to disagree. Cade was not very receptive to this but is considering it. I will have to chat with her later about Sean's proclivity to say what he thinks the therapists and counselors want to hear then doing what he wants anyway. Anyway, she asked me about what Sean was like because she was seeing from Cade and even from me how open and warm we are, how easy our relationship is and how extremely different this is from Sean's behavior. So, I went back to the beginning, his childhood with an verbally abusive alcoholic parent, the physical abuse he witnessed, his own anger issues when we were first married and how he resolved this by intimidation, punching walls and smashing things he knew was important to me until his ultimate things with the prostitute and sex lines. How he was just mentally crushed at that time crying and unable to understand why he was doing these things. She just answered, "addictive behavior". I shrugged and told her of the first time he entered therapy and how happy he was about learning to recognize when he was getting angry but in retrospect I believed how Sean quit rather suddenly and would not go back when I asked him to. I think this was because they were beginning to get to the whys of his actions and that was too much for Sean. Also he learned to recognize his anger but just buried it instead and got very passive aggressive. She smiled and said that is exactly what Cade is doing and is what we are trying to work through. Cade came in after that had his chat alone then I came back in and we talked about when we might be bringing Sean in to talk. Not for a few more weeks anyway. We are back to weekly visits though.

The lawyer. It will be $3500 to hire him. My visit there yesterday he didn't charge me for which was really nice. This is what we did. He read Sean's papers to modify the divorce. We went over the points of it with my responses. Then he sat back and shook his head. This is basically more of the same stuff Sean argued the first time. Some of it was contradicting and overstated. He was very confused how Sean could say he was fine mentally and still be drawing disability for mood disorder. I had no answer. The lawyer has a brother with bipolar and noted much of the same thinking issues going on. Sean does NOT have a lawyer. I guess he thinks because he is a debate coach he will have no problems arguing his points in court. Okay. So the lawyer suggested co-parenting counseling again. I told him I wasn't adverse to it and explained why the sessions we did have ended before. Sean's, lack of commitment to attend even though he said he wanted to be there and the fact he would agree to something then do what he wanted anyway which led is us having to resolve issues in therapy instead of learning and implementing tools to do this ourselves. He said most likely what would happen anyway in court would be a judge ordering us to do therapy anyway and then maybe high conflict resolution mediation, another GAL and then a final court date. He said once I retain him he would draft a response to Sean's complaint then attach the name of the guy he recommends we should see for therapy and see what Sean does. If Sean says no then it will just be another nail in the coffin for him showing how he doesn't want to resolve this in another way. Next week I think I am going to call the guy. The lawyer is going to see the guy anyway today and tell him about us an that we might call. The guy does all kinds of different therapies. Individual (which is why I am going to call, even if Sean says no I know I will need some help through this), family and men's counseling. He does a lot of work with abusive men which Sean is, even if it's not all physical. Then I need to go the main IRS branch and get copies of all the paperwork so we can get Sean to pay what he owes. I also need to go to the dental office next Wednesday so I will get a copy of everything and get a written statement that they submitted the bill for last September and what happened to it. I got a letter in the mail from DHHS on Tuesday. It was a copy of the papers sent to Sean telling him he needed to pay right away this week and that they were in the process of taking all his licences. His drivers licence and any teaching ones he might have. The lawyer noted that as well. So....what to do, what to do?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bad Mood

I should be thrilled today. I am actually crabby and tired.

Good news first...I passed my practical exam! Whoot!

It was nerve wracking and time seemed to fly or stand still. Everyone there was a little freaked and jumpy. Our instructor Ryan broke out in hives and he wasn't even TAKING the test. He was just worried for us to do well. Kinda cute of him. There was a ton of testers there. Bright side was we knew most of them. That helped relax us a little even though we knew they wouldn't help us at all. Out of the six stations I got four perfect and the other two I missed one thing on each but nothing critical and I will know on Sunday what my point score was. Our whole class passed and we are having a cook out party on Sunday with some of the instructors. So, no more classes. What's next is to take the national exam which is a sit down at a computer test in the city. We have to wait a few days to have our grades put in the system to be eligible to take it, then we can make an appointment to go and take it. I think I will try and car pool with someone from here when ever I am able to take it. After that I will be nationally certified. Wow. On one test I had to put a 6 foot something at least 200 pound guy on a backboard by myself! I did have one person making sure the "patient's" head was stable but the rest was all me. I nearly croaked when I pulled that card. I still need to practice stuff to feel comfortable of course and I will have to go on ambulance rides three times a year or so for practice. Still, with everything going on I can't believe I was able to focus to do this. Something to be proud of.

Next, so then, why so grumpy? I started, if you know what I mean, yesterday. Nice timing, no? The test and grading didn't end until after 10pm. Then I was wired when I got home and read for about half and hour before falling asleep. I slept great and could have slept longer but Sofie woke me up. I didn't even hear her which is not normal for me. When I got home last night I saw she wasn't in bed. I looked around wondering what was going on. I found her curled up against Connor sleeping with him. It was so adorable. Connor and Sofie love each other but quite frequently butt heads. Sofie snaps at him a lot and he gets sad. Lately she has been seeking him out for hugs and cries when he goes away just like she does for Will and Cade. I can see how much it means to Connor to finally have her attention. Continuing the grumpy trend is the fact I spent all morning sifting through emails between Sean and myself for the past year and a half. I grouped them into categories: dental, visits, witch (proof I was concerned about her saying that and informing him about it), Connor school/mental care, taxes and stealing (Cade's current issue with his dad). Those are in order now and I am going to print those out this afternoon once the kids wake from their naps to bring with me to the lawyer tomorrow. I am going to make a list later of places I have to go and other papers I need to gather up. A record from DHHS concerning Sean's child support payments, copies of dental bills, copy of the IRS paper for proof of what they took from me, copies of Connor's therapy and diagnoses for mood disorder. I have one from his first pdoc but not from the second. I also need statements from them saying I have not wished to have Connor put on meds unless it was a last resort. Sean is claiming I only took Connor to a pdoc and that I asked to have him medicated because Connor was wishing to see Sean and expressed his dissent with me. I have told Sean this but he says he questions my motives. *sigh* Oh, and yesterday I got a call from the counselor's office confirming an appointment for today. I was totally confused since Cade goes tomorrow and Wednesday of NEXT week. They lady I talked to didn't know why it was there either and so we canceled it. Later in the day Cade's counselor called and told me Sean was coming in to see her to "give his side of the story" and that I might get a call. I told her I had but we hung up before I remember that was canceled. Oops. I would have called back but I had to run out the door to the hall for my test. I hope they figured it out. Either way, I need to tell Cade his dad is talking to his counselor now. That will be a fun conversation.

You would think now that I don't have any more classes and don't have to study as much ( I still do for the big national exam) I would have more free time. However, I will be working at the library now and cleaning two houses starting this weekend. Cade's graduation is this Friday so it will be a busy day. I have a lot of shopping to do tomorrow as well. I have to make a salad for the graduation and a fruit salad for the cook out on Sunday. Tonight I have a community (CIA) meeting to attend with Will.

Speaking of Will he got his SAT's back and did great. He was pretty happy. He has a pretty good plan for college now and so we are going to explore that. I will blab about that in another post. Everyone wish me luck with my lawyer tomorrow. Pray I can hire the pull up fund button...which I think I will change it to legal fees button...*cringe*.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Some Control

I had a nightmare last night and woke up at 3am. Sean was yelling and trying to strangle me and Connor was there crying. Wonderful huh? I got away in his car which in my dream was my old car. The first one I ever got. I drove to the police and worried Sean would be wreaking my house in anger. I have no idea where the other kids were just that they were safe. When I got to the police the one arrested was me, because I stole his car. Life isn't fair even in dreams.

So, I have been awake since then. I stayed in bed until 5am then got up. I have been cleaning ever since. I am starting to get tired now. I still have to study today with a neighbor/classmate this afternoon. I invited her to dinner as well. At least I am not worrying about that. I have chili going in the crock pot. I made a few calls today too. I have an appointment with my lawyer on Thursday afternoon. I am going into the city anyway because Cade asked for me to schedule a therapy appointment for him. He wasn't supposed to have one this week but I agree with Cade that it's a good idea. So I am going to find a sitter for Sofie for that day. I also got physicals scheduled for Will, Connor and Sofie. Cade just had his. I also had to get Sofie's paperwork gathered for her preschool registration. I had to call the doctors office for them to fax her shot records over. I will probably have to call again because as of noon the school still doesn't have them. I have gotten a lot accomplished today and I think if I do a little a day I won't freak out so much. I don't know if my lawyer can even help me due to my money situation but at the very least he can advise me. I think I will look into seeing the free lawyer's office that day as well. I dunno. Maybe I will just call and see what they say. I am not sure I will do too much until after I talk with my old lawyer. At least I don't owe him anything. No lawyer signed the paperwork Sean filled out, just an assistant clerk. I don't think he has one and is doing this himself. GOD I hope so. I might have a chance.

Today has been about trying to give myself some control. Cleaning the house helps me feel better. I need to have some lunch and start studying.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Some good news first before the ugly. I am not always negative...:)

I passed my final with a 96. I was stunned. I thought I passed but not that well. My overall class grade was a 93 so I passed my EMT class. I am very happy I did it. Now we are allowed to take our practical tests. All hands on stuff. I am very concerned about that because I don't have as much practice as the rest of the class because I missed quite a few classes when Sofie was sick and of course last Thursday when I got the call from the sheriff. The classes I missed when I was sick were not practical classes. Yesterday from 9am until 3pm we did practical stations. All set up like the real test which is on Tuesday. I did WAY better than I thought I would. I wasn't very stressed because I expected to fail pretty much everything because we have to do everything from memory and some of the things I had never done before or even SEEN. This was all practice and we weren't graded or anything. We had copies of the sheets the testers were going to use and they marked stuff off as we did them. There were several things we could miss and still be ok on points but there were some critical fails and if we missed them then we were done. Learned I had to speak up more. I learned two new stations. One of them I even passed blind. The other one I failed but I only missed one thing so I felt great. Overall it was a great practice day and for the first time I feel like I may really be able to do this. Some of us students on the island are meeting up today around 1pm to practice things we feel uncomfortable with. I think that will be good. Will said he would come down and be our patient. He has no

That out of the way here's the update on the stuff that is going to make me a basket case. On Friday I was able to get an appointment with my doctor. I told her what was going on and she refilled my prescription for anxiety pills. I got some the first time when Sean left. I had that bottle and never refilled it. That was in 2007. I think I have done quite well keeping myself together overall. I darn well know I will need something the day I go to court and while I am getting my ducks in a row to prepare. I also called Cade's therapist and told her too. She was shocked. She hadn't contacted Sean about Cade being there yet because she wanted Cade to feel comfortable with her first. She knew we had shared rights and because Sean hadn't objected to Cade seeing the other person he was at the same place she went ahead with treatment. She had asked Cade if he wanted his dad there and he said no. Still in talking with her privately before hand I told her the main reason for his returning to therapy when he had only so recently stopped was because of how stressful his relationship with his dad had become and the goal of including Sean and resolving this whole stealing/apology issue. He has been going now since the middle of March. She said she would contact Sean and without letting him know as of yet she is aware of what's going on about Cade's return to therapy and the goals and Cade's progress. Although Cade is still in the dark about what's going on he knows I had to stay in town late on Friday about something with his dad and he can tell it was upsetting to me. I can only do so much to be calm. I was really upset and shocked on Thursday and even though I went upstairs and had all the kids downstairs so I could cry and make a few phone calls about my class and stuff they all knew I was hurting. I am more even keel now even though I feel my heart beating a mile a minute sometimes. I teared up a lot on Friday morning but thankfully the boys weren't here. I can tell Sofie bumped my arm or stubbed my toe or something and she isn't the wiser. Cade still had a rough day on Friday and teared up about other things. He talked with his teacher though and that helped. I got those calls made then we had to jump on the noon to make my doctor's appointment. I did that, went to the pharmacy, had lunch with Sofie and dropped her off with her dad. He said nothing to me. My friend met up with me and I got the papers from the sheriff. It was ok and he was very nice. I read the papers with my friend in her car. She was as shocked as me. He wants me to have the kids three weekends a month, school holidays and every other holiday. Cade and Sofie only. Cade would be allowed to decide where he wants to live once he reaches high school. Since the kids would be with him during school weeks Cade would be going to a different middle school than he is already enrolled, where his brothers went and where he already has visited, met the teachers and has friends. Sofie would never go to our island school where all her brothers went. As far as that goes I am still moving forward with her preschool and am giving her paperwork this coming week to the teacher so she can have her card filled out so she will be enrolled by the end of the week. He also wants to eliminate child support. He wants me to pay the first $1,500 of medical costs a year instead of the $200 I pay now. In his statement about why he wants the kids with him it was just a mass of twisted facts and outright lies. I am sickened by what he said and I was worried at first but as I am calming down to think about it I can answer a lot of it easily. Still, just even thinking of the possibility I could lose my kids scares the hell out of me. He referenced Connor A LOT. Connor said this and Connor said that. One thing he said was Connor told him when he was home schooled he didn't learn anything and I made him babysit Sofie while I worked. It still sticks in Sean's throat I the court allowed me to to that. He said despite my weak academics and training and without consulting him I did this. Some of this we went over in court before. I did tell him of Connor's desire to home school and Sean had no problems with me home schooling our kids while he worked in the past, before he left us. So, I don't think that will be an issue. As for not learning anything because he babysat. He did the babysitting during the summer. Not during the winter school year. I only work away from the house in the summer. I am all done by labor day and do daycare from home in the winter. That was one of the reasons why I consented to home school Connor in the first place. I did have him watch Sofie and Aiden one day a week so he could earn some spending money and I included it into his home school as home ec and life skills learning. He had to document or discuss with me what he had to do. Cooking a nutritious meal, child behavior, why naps are important, reading to toddlers for literacy, things like that. On that one day a week I did my shopping and took Cade to therapy. I also did any other things I needed to do in town so I was only gone one day a week and every other Friday afternoon to bring Cade and Sofie in to see their dad. There was another thing there where he said that I was the one teaching Sofie if call Kathryn a mean witch and he said Connor told him I was telling her to do that. Well, I have a witness to the first time she said that as well as the email I sent the same day she said that to me to Sean about my concern about it. We weren't even divorced yet and it was when Sofie began watching Snow White for the first time. Sofie had just turned two. I emailed him telling him what she said and that I wanted him to be aware of it and where I had thought she got the idea from and that I didn't want any one to have hurt feeling or be shocked if she said it. I told him he could resolve the issue as HE saw fit. After that I didn't say anything more about it. She still does it so I don't know what Sean has done to try and resolve it. He never brought it up when we were in therapy. I don't say anything to Sofie about it because I know if I make a big deal about it she will think it's funny and a game and then it will never stop. I figure if she says it there has to be some kind of reason behind it. Her thinking is still black and white and the people who treat her well are the heros/princesses and the people who treat he poorly are bad guys and witches. It's the simple thoughts of a child. I think if they want it to stop they should treat her better. Anyway, it's more stuff like that horrible stinky stuff. On Monday I will call my lawyer and make an appointment. At the very least he can look it over, let me know his current rates and offer some advice. I'll have $900 coming to me this month for the library and I can use that. I had been hoping to pay another month of rent off with it. *sigh* There is also a free legal advice day at the court house one day a week. I will have to go then. I am not sure which day. After I talk with my lawyer I will see about the free lawyers. The main problem with them is the wait time. I know it will most likely be at least a month before the court date. I still have to wait for the actual date to come in that mail. Oh, oh yeah....this was funny too, he said, "At 10 Cade still believes in Santa Claus etc. and I am extremely concerned that he will have a difficult adjustment to middle school." Give me a break. He said if Cade goes to the other middle school he would be surrounded by his family who could help him adjust. Most of his arguments are from Kathryn. I know it. Cade told me he once told her he believed in Santa and both her and he at the time 7 year old daughter made fun of him. Kathryn told him in a condescending way, "Come on Cade your old enough to know better." Are we really going to go to court over Santa Claus? lol

ok, gotta eat and do some chore before my study time.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Remain Calm...

I got a call from a friend going into town today. She is going to meet me when I have to see the sheriff and stay with me. Then she said she doesn't want me to drive so she is going to scoop me up and take me shopping for Cade's graduation present from the school. We are getting him a backpack from L.L.Bean. Something new and bigger and nice and filling it with supplies. I know he will love it. I feel better not being alone and then doing something to take my mind off stuff. I will hopefully have a full bottle of little helpers by then

I will try and keep this brief. Sofie was taking her nap yesterday and I turned the ringer off on the phone so she could rest. Will came home and checked the messages. There was a call from the sheriff's office. Just a name and number for me to call back. Connor was the only one not home and I was freaked. I returned the call. He was fine thank goodness. I have to meet with the sheriff after I drop Sofie off this afternoon because Sean is taking me to court. I had to assure Will no one was dead or injured since he was the one who got the message before me. I have to pick up the papers today. I had no idea this was happening and was very upset and shocked last night. So much so I missed my class. I called a friend in the class and she is good friends with the teacher so she told him what was going on. Since I haven't looked at the papers yet I don't know the details of what Sean is after but from what the sheriff told me over the phone from what he saw at a glance this much I know, Sean wants to end child support. I guess he has a page of stuff listing his change of circumstances of why he shouldn't have to pay. He had enough for a lawyer though it seems. He wants to modify the visitation so Cade, Sofie and Connor live with him during the week. Cade would go to a different middle school next year than the one he has already toured, met the teachers, already has friends and where his older brothers. attended. Sofie would be going to elementary school in the city. He also wants me to pay the kids medical bills. I don't know what else. I feel sick and shocked. It seems to be a ploy to get out of child support. At the moment I am not angry. I am still in too much shock for that. Hurt, scared, worried, those are closer to what I am feeling. Will wanted to know what the call was about since no one was dead or dying and knowing Will as well as I do there was no way I could lie about it. I tried to be honest while omitting as much as possible. Frankly there is no way I can hide the fact I have to go to court. So my game plan for the kids is just letting them know that their dad wants to tweak some stuff with our divorce and the first one is just like a rough draft in a writing assignment. Now we are just going to do some editing and it's just a bummer that in order to do so we have to go to court. Just normal legal stuff. Annoying like taxes and getting your car registered but normal. That way they know why I will have to go into town a lot in the next month or more and where I will be but with no details. It's kind of funny in a way where I can tell the boys as a parent I want to know where the are and who they are with so I know they are safe and they use the same argument right back at me. Where are you going to be today mom? Who are you seeing? Have fun and be careful mom. Sweet, but in times like this makes me have to do a honesty tap dance. Will of course knew something was awry but said nothing other than narrowing his eyes at me. He is suspicious. Cade of course wanted to know right away if his not wanting to see his dad had anything to do with it. He still remembers Sean threatening him to take him away. I told him not to worry about it and focus on his graduation. That is was all just details and that I would handle it. Connor came home and I told him zippo. This morning I had to tell him I wouldn't be home until the late boat. He asked why and I told him I had to pick up some paperwork and stuff concerning his dad and apologized if I seemed weepy or anything. He looked at me and said, "Dad taking you to court?"

Swift kid. I said yes but nothing else. He nodded and said nothing either. That's for the best I think. I will need to reassure him his issues in school are not the reason for this. Even though they very well may be in Sean's mind.

Speaking of school issues. Connor's crew leader called me back yesterday. She apologized profusely about the email. Connor spoke with her about it and she told me the email from the science teacher was not even meant for Sean. It was meant for her and how they want to proceed to help Connor. She was appalled it had been accidentally cc'd to Sean and caused all of the stress for Connor. She said that all of the teachers have been really impressed and happy at his progress. She said he was on target to pass almost everything. Science alone was still up in air. It about him not completing his work but they really want to make sure he understands all the concepts. He also has some work to complete in math but he should be able to get it done. If for some reason he shouldn't then he could come back at the end of the month for a few days to hand it in and ask for help. It isn't a formal summer school. In fact she is going to recommend that Connor doesn't need summer school. If for some reason he doesn't get all the science concepts then he can review it as a sophomore in order to "meet the standards". She said she would send out an email to Sean and me today with her recommendations. She also said she wouldn't reference our phone call so as not to rile Sean up. I informed her of what is going on so they would know if Connor should all of a sudden stop in his progress why and to let me know. She agreed with me that it was good to focus on how far and how much Connor has done than on his bump in the road with science so he didn't get discouraged. It was good and very reassuring that Connor in on the right track instead of all of Sean negativity.

So, I will have to get a lawyer. I have about $500 to my name. I am trying not to get upset about it. There isn't too much for me to do until I get the papers as far as that goes. Today I will be calling my doctor. I will need some support there. I can not afford an anxiety attack. I will also call Cade's counselor and fill her in. I will have to talk to the teachers and have them keep their eyes peeled. I have a friend I can call about the free lawyers so if I have to use them I have some information. I will call my lawyer and make an appointment to sit with him and at least let him know what's going on and get some advice. If I can't hire him hopefully he can lead in in a good direction and of course he has all the paperwork concerning the divorce. I know I may sound calm but I don't think I am. I am just tired. I woke up at 4am today and couldn't go back to sleep. Even though my eyes burn now and I could just lay here in a zombie like state I really can't. I have a half day of work today. Plus the phone calls when places open. Deep breaths.

Will picked up the new Alice in Wonderland movie yesterday and after the phone calls and tears last night I made a cup of tea and sat with the kids and we watched it. Will was kind of insistent. I think he was trying to help in his own way...:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Full Day Already

Up at 5am for the ride in town to make Cade's 8am therapy appointment. As much as I loathe getting up so early I love how easy it is to get around the city at that time of day. I can park at the therapist's office which is usually a nightmare. There are going to be moving to a bigger place soon. I hope it is easy to get to with better parking. The weather said cloudy today, chance of rain in the afternoon and 70. So we dressed cool, brought umbrellas just in case but no raincoats. Try 59 and constant rain. Figures. I am glad I brought extra clothes for Sofie. Cade's counselor said again how impressed she was at his vocabulary about relationships. I guess with his dad's illness he did get thrown into the deep end. She felt he could come every other week instead of weekly. She really wants him to practice not pushing his feelings away and over thinking things. To know what he reacting to. He knows anger quite well but is that from feeling hurt or something else? I see no signs that counseling so far is helping bring Cade any closer to seeing his dad. I do think it is doing him a whole lot of good.

I dropped him off at the bay lines and sent him on his way to another island where is classmates were waiting for him. They go to the other island school for joint activities once and a while. Today they were supposed to have field day. More like gym day and a presentation by some Japanese dancers. He will be home by water taxi with the rest of his school at three. Sofie and I came home on the 10am ferry and stopped at the post office and island store before walking home. Now I get to eat. I didn't get a chance this morning and Sofie is attempting a nap.

Class tonight. I really just want to go to bed. Half a day of work tomorrow then I have to bring Sofie to town to see Sean. Cade still refuses to go. Sean still isn't trying to talk to him at all.

Same 'ol same 'ol.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Forgot to Mention

My final was killer. I did ok, I think. We did practice assessments. I did well, teacher was impressed especially since I have been out because of illness (mine and Sofie's) he gave me excused absences (whoot!).

Connor stared at his science for 2 1/2 hours since our talk about his dad's email and did nothing. He can't focus and wants to take a nap. Can we say depressed? Bleep Sean and his interference. I wish I could keep him away from Connor all together when he does this. A father in your life is good unless he totally sucks at it. Now I can pretty much be assured all of Connor's progress will go into the crapper no matter how much I reminded him today of how proud I am of all he has done. Who cares what mom thinks.

*insert scream...again*


There must be, must be a way to disentangle us from Sean's influence. His times of neediness. His times of thinking he can order us around. Just the other day I mentioned how he invited Connor to a cookout then when Connor got there told him he had to leave because he was an adult party. How cruel. Did he do it thinking Connor wouldn't come anyway? Who knows. It is best not to try and imagine what someone else is thinking. Especially Sean. He thoughts are all over the map and I get whiplash for even trying to understand him sometimes. Today he sends Connor and email. Not to apologize for his behavior but to chastise him about school.

Quick and dirty summary of how Connor did this year. He was doing great until winter came and he got depressed again. He missed a lot of school and so missed a lot of work. I got him back in therapy and he began to improve. Also during this time Sean decided for the first time since Connor was in 7th grade to check on his school progress and saw his missing work and threatened to take me to court and have Connor removed from here to live with him. Keep in mind Sean does not believe Connor had depressive episodes even though when Connor saw a pdoc that is exactly what he said Connor went through. We are doing our best to have therapy be his back up plan in order to keep him off medication because the pdoc was worried the meds could cause mania or suicidal thoughts. So, that said Connor and I both spoke with his teachers (I did not speak to all of them, his crew leader and the school counselor) about what was going on and his father's threats. Connor himself asked his teachers to tell him first about any contact his father made and what they planned on telling him so he was prepared. Since then Sean has been silent. I ignored his threats. Connor's therapy went well and his therapist has Connor on his own and to call when needed. All good. Connor worked his butt off making up work and maintaining his regular work. He got a most improved student award for the last quarter as proof of his efforts. Then there is science. Connor has conflicts with that teacher. I mentioned not to long ago how he came home depressed about it saying she doesn't answer his questions and told him to "be quiet, I'm teaching." I really should have called her up and said something but we didn't. Instead we came up with a plan thinking if she was going to be rude during class time then he should write his questions down and ask after school or after class. Still, he is gun shy about going to her for anything and do I really blame him? Sean emailed her and asked how Connor was doing and she sent him a reply. She did NOT notify us Sean contacted her or what she was going to say to him. We never asked her not to answer. It is within Sean's right according to the divorce. Even though she KNOWS how he handles these issues cause family stress and hurts Connor. She never cc'd the email to me or told Connor anything. She said how Connor hadn't earned ANY credits this year which I know is false. I spoke with the crew leader and know this for fact. She recommended summer school for Connor even though he has time to finish any missing work. She said if he doesn't he will have to repeat her class. I saw the email she sent because Sean attached it to the one he sent Connor and he cc'd it to me. Should Sean have contacted ME about this first. Yes. Instead he tells Connor that Connor has been lying to him about how he is doing in her class. That Connor will learn a lesson about this not happening again by sitting in summer school this July. He told Connor summer school will cost money (which he won't pay) and the costs "will be easier on Connor" if he has free or reduced lunch. Does Connor have that? Ok. I am mad a this. We have freaking food stamps. Of course he has free lunch. How could Sean not know this? Why are we on food stamps to freaking begin with? Huh? Huh? Maybe because someone spent our entire savings on bs and a lexus and crap like that. Who doesn't pay child support, or medical bills, or the IRfreakingS? Why would we be on food stamps? *pant - pant*

Connor was throwing up all day on Monday and STILL went to school yesterday to do work and he is home today because he pushed himself too hard to do his work. To say he is just a slacker is insulting. Also, there are no school buses to summer school. Is Sean going to drive him? *snort* I would have to and so much for having any kind of job. Sean just assumes Connor will go to summer school and end of discussion. Well, there WAS no discussion. Did he encourage Connor to get everything done in the days left of school? Did he talk to the crew leader when there is obvious issues between Connor and the science teacher? Did he look at the big picture and make Connor feel good about how hard he has been trying and how far he has come? Did he even consider Connor's winter medical issues and that keeping Connor stable takes priority? No. Can we discuss this rationally? No. His way or nothing. Well, I talked with Connor about this. He was in bed writing a report for science class when I got the email, the irony. We decided to ignore his father for the time being. Connor is going to keep doing what he is doing and plugging away at his work. I am going to call his crew leader and let her know what's going on. See what the real story with science is. I have seen all of Connor's work and seriously, he has done a LOT. I can see where his mistakes are but in no way is he missing the concepts. I also am going to ask for a note to be made for all the teachers about contacting us before hand. This teacher is going to hear it plain and simple. grrr... I know, KNOW, if I tell them summer school is a no go because it is a financial hardship, transportation issues etc. (IF it even got that far) Sean will use this as an excuse to say I am not taking Connor's education seriously and threaten us again. If Connor has to repeat the course then I will have to request another teacher handle it. I just wish Sean would concentrate on being civil with his kids, treating them with respect, spend time with them, gain their trust, do all of that, focus on that before he tries to do the other stuff. He has no idea what he is doing or talking about. On top of that he cc'd the email to Kathryn. Why the hell she should be involved makes no sense. She is NOT his mother and has no say or input on how Sean and I educate or raise him. She thinks she is teacher of the year or something and knows it all. I need to go and beat something...rugs, dough, bugs...something. I am SO glad Sofie has a play date this afternoon.


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