Friday, June 4, 2010

Warning: Some Swearing Ahead

I will try and keep this brief. Sofie was taking her nap yesterday and I turned the ringer off on the phone so she could rest. Will came home and checked the messages. There was a call from the sheriff's office. Just a name and number for me to call back. Connor was the only one not home and I was freaked. I returned the call. He was fine thank goodness. I have to meet with the sheriff after I drop Sofie off this afternoon because Sean is taking me to court. I had to assure Will no one was dead or injured since he was the one who got the message before me. I have to pick up the papers today. I had no idea this was happening and was very upset and shocked last night. So much so I missed my class. I called a friend in the class and she is good friends with the teacher so she told him what was going on. Since I haven't looked at the papers yet I don't know the details of what Sean is after but from what the sheriff told me over the phone from what he saw at a glance this much I know, Sean wants to end child support. I guess he has a page of stuff listing his change of circumstances of why he shouldn't have to pay. He had enough for a lawyer though it seems. He wants to modify the visitation so Cade, Sofie and Connor live with him during the week. Cade would go to a different middle school next year than the one he has already toured, met the teachers, already has friends and where his older brothers. attended. Sofie would be going to elementary school in the city. He also wants me to pay the kids medical bills. I don't know what else. I feel sick and shocked. It seems to be a ploy to get out of child support. At the moment I am not angry. I am still in too much shock for that. Hurt, scared, worried, those are closer to what I am feeling. Will wanted to know what the call was about since no one was dead or dying and knowing Will as well as I do there was no way I could lie about it. I tried to be honest while omitting as much as possible. Frankly there is no way I can hide the fact I have to go to court. So my game plan for the kids is just letting them know that their dad wants to tweak some stuff with our divorce and the first one is just like a rough draft in a writing assignment. Now we are just going to do some editing and it's just a bummer that in order to do so we have to go to court. Just normal legal stuff. Annoying like taxes and getting your car registered but normal. That way they know why I will have to go into town a lot in the next month or more and where I will be but with no details. It's kind of funny in a way where I can tell the boys as a parent I want to know where the are and who they are with so I know they are safe and they use the same argument right back at me. Where are you going to be today mom? Who are you seeing? Have fun and be careful mom. Sweet, but in times like this makes me have to do a honesty tap dance. Will of course knew something was awry but said nothing other than narrowing his eyes at me. He is suspicious. Cade of course wanted to know right away if his not wanting to see his dad had anything to do with it. He still remembers Sean threatening him to take him away. I told him not to worry about it and focus on his graduation. That is was all just details and that I would handle it. Connor came home and I told him zippo. This morning I had to tell him I wouldn't be home until the late boat. He asked why and I told him I had to pick up some paperwork and stuff concerning his dad and apologized if I seemed weepy or anything. He looked at me and said, "Dad taking you to court?"

Swift kid. I said yes but nothing else. He nodded and said nothing either. That's for the best I think. I will need to reassure him his issues in school are not the reason for this. Even though they very well may be in Sean's mind.

Speaking of school issues. Connor's crew leader called me back yesterday. She apologized profusely about the email. Connor spoke with her about it and she told me the email from the science teacher was not even meant for Sean. It was meant for her and how they want to proceed to help Connor. She was appalled it had been accidentally cc'd to Sean and caused all of the stress for Connor. She said that all of the teachers have been really impressed and happy at his progress. She said he was on target to pass almost everything. Science alone was still up in air. It about him not completing his work but they really want to make sure he understands all the concepts. He also has some work to complete in math but he should be able to get it done. If for some reason he shouldn't then he could come back at the end of the month for a few days to hand it in and ask for help. It isn't a formal summer school. In fact she is going to recommend that Connor doesn't need summer school. If for some reason he doesn't get all the science concepts then he can review it as a sophomore in order to "meet the standards". She said she would send out an email to Sean and me today with her recommendations. She also said she wouldn't reference our phone call so as not to rile Sean up. I informed her of what is going on so they would know if Connor should all of a sudden stop in his progress why and to let me know. She agreed with me that it was good to focus on how far and how much Connor has done than on his bump in the road with science so he didn't get discouraged. It was good and very reassuring that Connor in on the right track instead of all of Sean negativity.

So, I will have to get a lawyer. I have about $500 to my name. I am trying not to get upset about it. There isn't too much for me to do until I get the papers as far as that goes. Today I will be calling my doctor. I will need some support there. I can not afford an anxiety attack. I will also call Cade's counselor and fill her in. I will have to talk to the teachers and have them keep their eyes peeled. I have a friend I can call about the free lawyers so if I have to use them I have some information. I will call my lawyer and make an appointment to sit with him and at least let him know what's going on and get some advice. If I can't hire him hopefully he can lead in in a good direction and of course he has all the paperwork concerning the divorce. I know I may sound calm but I don't think I am. I am just tired. I woke up at 4am today and couldn't go back to sleep. Even though my eyes burn now and I could just lay here in a zombie like state I really can't. I have a half day of work today. Plus the phone calls when places open. Deep breaths.

Will picked up the new Alice in Wonderland movie yesterday and after the phone calls and tears last night I made a cup of tea and sat with the kids and we watched it. Will was kind of insistent. I think he was trying to help in his own way...:)


Carol said...

Deep breath. I'm so sorry I haven't been here to know that you were going through this--here is one thing I do know:

This is just a new way for Sean to abuse you and the kids. And I think that any attorney he "hires" is going to end up the way the last attorney did--not getting paid and exiting the scene.

Sean is still high on himself. Especially if he thinks that he's got a chance in he**. I know I shouldn't be so sure, since there have been times in the past where I was sure nobody could avoid seeing what he was up to, and nobody except you did....

But you've been keeping good records, and I think that except for the financial and emotional stress, you are going to come out of this smelling like a rose.

I'm so sorry you have to go through this'll be ok....

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