Monday, June 7, 2010

Some Control

I had a nightmare last night and woke up at 3am. Sean was yelling and trying to strangle me and Connor was there crying. Wonderful huh? I got away in his car which in my dream was my old car. The first one I ever got. I drove to the police and worried Sean would be wreaking my house in anger. I have no idea where the other kids were just that they were safe. When I got to the police the one arrested was me, because I stole his car. Life isn't fair even in dreams.

So, I have been awake since then. I stayed in bed until 5am then got up. I have been cleaning ever since. I am starting to get tired now. I still have to study today with a neighbor/classmate this afternoon. I invited her to dinner as well. At least I am not worrying about that. I have chili going in the crock pot. I made a few calls today too. I have an appointment with my lawyer on Thursday afternoon. I am going into the city anyway because Cade asked for me to schedule a therapy appointment for him. He wasn't supposed to have one this week but I agree with Cade that it's a good idea. So I am going to find a sitter for Sofie for that day. I also got physicals scheduled for Will, Connor and Sofie. Cade just had his. I also had to get Sofie's paperwork gathered for her preschool registration. I had to call the doctors office for them to fax her shot records over. I will probably have to call again because as of noon the school still doesn't have them. I have gotten a lot accomplished today and I think if I do a little a day I won't freak out so much. I don't know if my lawyer can even help me due to my money situation but at the very least he can advise me. I think I will look into seeing the free lawyer's office that day as well. I dunno. Maybe I will just call and see what they say. I am not sure I will do too much until after I talk with my old lawyer. At least I don't owe him anything. No lawyer signed the paperwork Sean filled out, just an assistant clerk. I don't think he has one and is doing this himself. GOD I hope so. I might have a chance.

Today has been about trying to give myself some control. Cleaning the house helps me feel better. I need to have some lunch and start studying.


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