Sunday, June 20, 2010


Yesterday afternoon. Sofie asked me where her soul was. Ok. I was not expecting that. I tried to think of a simple explanation for her. This of course led to other topics and she wound up crying because she said she wanted to see her grandpa (my dad), who she never got a chance to meet. It was very sad. I have no idea why she was thinking about these things. We had a very nice day. I shoved my life crap to the side and we went to the library. I did some work while she read some books and watched some videos of Cade on youtube. Then we visited some friends. She played and fell off the swing. She didn't cry once and just got right back on. Then we went to the beach. The water was pretty cold at first so we went to the tidal pools and they were very warm. Eventually the tide came back in and she got right in and got me soaked. I wasn't dressed to the beach. We were only supposed to be looking for sea glass but you know how it goes. We spent three hours there and began walking home. Everyone was smiling at her a waving. One lady even gave her a porcelain doll. She has charisma. We got a ride and she played with the small dog in the car we were in. She was pretty tired. Then we had that conversation. We went to bed early because I brought her in on the morning boat to see Sean. He thanked me for bringing her in when we got there. I think he knew he was a dunce for not setting something up for father's day to to begin with. Sean did call Connor yesterday (an hour before the boat) so he went in after all. Connor is riding back with Sofie this afternoon. Sean I guess doesn't want to be away from "his family on father's day" to bring her back. The toad.

Some good news. The library treasurer is coming this Tuesday. I did email him on Saturday and he said he will give me my check on Wednesday. I will have my money for the lawyer in full by the end of the week (check has to clear, 3 days by bank rules). I feel SO much better! I am going to call the lawyer tomorrow and see if he will take some of the money Tuesday and get started.

Well, Will is home from his Soul weekend internship trip. If he takes the course he wants in college he will be able to marry people. Amazing.


Carol said...

I'm so glad you have money for the attorney....I've been in a frenzy, paying off little bills while I can, and now I'm afraid to check my bank account! (I know you know the feeling)--I'm so glad you've got a good lawyer--this is going to turn out to be a blessing in disguise, for sure!

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