Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Empty Shells

Don't you hate falling into the trap of counting chickens before they hatch? I try not to do that but I do sometimes. I am back an the money worry thing. I did get my check today for the library but it was only half. I asked the treasurer if I could have the whole thing and he said he would have to "ask around". Huh? Every single year he has asked me if I wanted the whole thing in June or broken up. I always asked for it to be broken up because it helps me budget things. This is the first time I have asked for the whole thing. I was pretty upset as you can imagine. Just asking was hard enough. I emailed the president (who knows what's going on) and asked her to tell him to give me the rest if he asked her about it. Now I feel like I am in a bind.

I saw the lawyer yesterday. I was just going to pop in and see if I could make an appointment for next week and see if he would take the $2000 I had. He took it and saw me right away. I did some signing for child support stuff and he wrote out our answer to Sean for him to be served with. I was feeling pretty good. Relieved. Now I am in a panic again because I told him I would bring the rest of the money next week. Now I can't. I do have $900 though and I am sure he will be ok with that but I am so angry right now. I feel like a liar and it's all my fault, stupid empty chicken eggs. I am doing and extra job tonight and I hope it comes with a check. I also am not sure if I am getting my daycare money today or not. I am seeing the mom tonight so I hope so. I am working right now as a matter of fact. It's nap time so I am grabbing some lunch for me while a look over bank accounts. I have about $100 to my name now. This is about the same shape I was in when Sean left. I had been making progress but now....

On to other things. Cade's therapy went well yesterday. He talked about how much he hates Kathryn. The counselor told me she was going to call Sean one more time and remind him that he is the dad. Cade told her how his dad still hadn't called him. We are set up for another appointment next week. I went to DHHS for them to collect the dental money Sean owes and I had everything they needed except a spreadsheet. Well, darn. I had sent him stuff by certified mail so he couldn't say I never sent him the bill. Just what DHHS wanted to I was ahead of the ball on that one. More work for me and another trip. Great. The case worker is jumping at the bit for me to file contempt against him. I will have to talk with the lawyer about that. *sigh*

Connor has to go back to school next week do hand in his math work to get his two credits for the year. I have been emailing his crew leader about the boat schedule and the city bus schedule trying to get things figured out. I told her some days Connor might be a hour late due to the boat and bus but the rest of the week would be fine. Sean emailed me back demanding Connor take a certain boat and bus and "there is no reason why he can't" blah, blah. Well, I don't see him offering for Connor to stay with him for the week to "be on time", or offering to pick him up at the earlier time. He did offer to pick him up for the later boat and Connor would only miss half an hour than a full hour. Big deal. Missing a whole hour is worth not having to deal with him. Connor was less than thrilled at his dad's attitude. He said, "I have done a lot of work. I worked hard too. I took responsibility. What's with his attitude? He's not being a dad, just a bully." I told him to ignore it and just do what he was doing. Focus on his work and let everything else fall away. We'll see.

Feeling very stomach aches constantly.


Carol said...

I do that, too (count chickens and then it doesn't work like I planned). Actually it happens a lot when it comes to paying bills :-(

Oh. Something might have accidentally fallen into your Paypal.

Hope your week goes better!

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