Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lazy Bug

I am about the same as far as my coughing goes. Sofie took the last of her antibiotics today and is pretty chipper. She still coughs if she gets too active but overall is oodles better. I, on the other hand just feel crappy. Sick of being sick. Bit by the lazy bug. I just maintain and am not moving forward. I have my final tonight and could care less. I know the stuff or I don't at this point. I will do some brief reviewing this afternoon but I am not going to stress myself out. I have laundry to take care of and have no intentions of doing so. Bad. Very bad. I am working today though. I guess that's something.

We grilled yesterday and so I cleaned a lot. Maybe that's why I feel unmotivated today. Connor didn't eat anything because he was throwing up all day. He felt great when it was over and went to school today. Lucky him. I won't have to cook for a few days because of the left overs. Also, something contributing to my laziness today. I am feeling a little down and I know it. I know I will feel better after my walk later today, right now I am just tired. I have tissues with me on a permanent basis now. How annoying. I would think allergies if I had all the other symptoms.

Wish me luck. I hope I pass. Not sure if I will take the practical since I missed so many times to practice. At least it was worth it to have Sofie so much better. Times like that it would have been nice to have another parent around to make sure she was ok and safe. Not in the cards. She is finally looking better now that she has been home a while. No bruises and scrapes like she always comes home with.

I am rambling now..lol. I must motivate! Lunch time for the little ones then nap time. :)


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