Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bad Mood

I should be thrilled today. I am actually crabby and tired.

Good news first...I passed my practical exam! Whoot!

It was nerve wracking and time seemed to fly or stand still. Everyone there was a little freaked and jumpy. Our instructor Ryan broke out in hives and he wasn't even TAKING the test. He was just worried for us to do well. Kinda cute of him. There was a ton of testers there. Bright side was we knew most of them. That helped relax us a little even though we knew they wouldn't help us at all. Out of the six stations I got four perfect and the other two I missed one thing on each but nothing critical and I will know on Sunday what my point score was. Our whole class passed and we are having a cook out party on Sunday with some of the instructors. So, no more classes. What's next is to take the national exam which is a sit down at a computer test in the city. We have to wait a few days to have our grades put in the system to be eligible to take it, then we can make an appointment to go and take it. I think I will try and car pool with someone from here when ever I am able to take it. After that I will be nationally certified. Wow. On one test I had to put a 6 foot something at least 200 pound guy on a backboard by myself! I did have one person making sure the "patient's" head was stable but the rest was all me. I nearly croaked when I pulled that card. I still need to practice stuff to feel comfortable of course and I will have to go on ambulance rides three times a year or so for practice. Still, with everything going on I can't believe I was able to focus to do this. Something to be proud of.

Next, so then, why so grumpy? I started, if you know what I mean, yesterday. Nice timing, no? The test and grading didn't end until after 10pm. Then I was wired when I got home and read for about half and hour before falling asleep. I slept great and could have slept longer but Sofie woke me up. I didn't even hear her which is not normal for me. When I got home last night I saw she wasn't in bed. I looked around wondering what was going on. I found her curled up against Connor sleeping with him. It was so adorable. Connor and Sofie love each other but quite frequently butt heads. Sofie snaps at him a lot and he gets sad. Lately she has been seeking him out for hugs and cries when he goes away just like she does for Will and Cade. I can see how much it means to Connor to finally have her attention. Continuing the grumpy trend is the fact I spent all morning sifting through emails between Sean and myself for the past year and a half. I grouped them into categories: dental, visits, witch (proof I was concerned about her saying that and informing him about it), Connor school/mental care, taxes and stealing (Cade's current issue with his dad). Those are in order now and I am going to print those out this afternoon once the kids wake from their naps to bring with me to the lawyer tomorrow. I am going to make a list later of places I have to go and other papers I need to gather up. A record from DHHS concerning Sean's child support payments, copies of dental bills, copy of the IRS paper for proof of what they took from me, copies of Connor's therapy and diagnoses for mood disorder. I have one from his first pdoc but not from the second. I also need statements from them saying I have not wished to have Connor put on meds unless it was a last resort. Sean is claiming I only took Connor to a pdoc and that I asked to have him medicated because Connor was wishing to see Sean and expressed his dissent with me. I have told Sean this but he says he questions my motives. *sigh* Oh, and yesterday I got a call from the counselor's office confirming an appointment for today. I was totally confused since Cade goes tomorrow and Wednesday of NEXT week. They lady I talked to didn't know why it was there either and so we canceled it. Later in the day Cade's counselor called and told me Sean was coming in to see her to "give his side of the story" and that I might get a call. I told her I had but we hung up before I remember that was canceled. Oops. I would have called back but I had to run out the door to the hall for my test. I hope they figured it out. Either way, I need to tell Cade his dad is talking to his counselor now. That will be a fun conversation.

You would think now that I don't have any more classes and don't have to study as much ( I still do for the big national exam) I would have more free time. However, I will be working at the library now and cleaning two houses starting this weekend. Cade's graduation is this Friday so it will be a busy day. I have a lot of shopping to do tomorrow as well. I have to make a salad for the graduation and a fruit salad for the cook out on Sunday. Tonight I have a community (CIA) meeting to attend with Will.

Speaking of Will he got his SAT's back and did great. He was pretty happy. He has a pretty good plan for college now and so we are going to explore that. I will blab about that in another post. Everyone wish me luck with my lawyer tomorrow. Pray I can hire the pull up fund button...which I think I will change it to legal fees button...*cringe*.


Carol said...

Woohoo!!!! Way to go on passing your exam(s)!!!!! That's no easy thing, I know.....I hope you found a way to give yourself a special treat to celebrate!!!! I'm so proud of you, even though I knew you could do it!!!!!

I'm very sure that Sean is not going to win this one. His paper trail is too clear. Plus he's an idiot. Hang in there...

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