Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ignore, then in your Face

There must be, must be a way to disentangle us from Sean's influence. His times of neediness. His times of thinking he can order us around. Just the other day I mentioned how he invited Connor to a cookout then when Connor got there told him he had to leave because he was an adult party. How cruel. Did he do it thinking Connor wouldn't come anyway? Who knows. It is best not to try and imagine what someone else is thinking. Especially Sean. He thoughts are all over the map and I get whiplash for even trying to understand him sometimes. Today he sends Connor and email. Not to apologize for his behavior but to chastise him about school.

Quick and dirty summary of how Connor did this year. He was doing great until winter came and he got depressed again. He missed a lot of school and so missed a lot of work. I got him back in therapy and he began to improve. Also during this time Sean decided for the first time since Connor was in 7th grade to check on his school progress and saw his missing work and threatened to take me to court and have Connor removed from here to live with him. Keep in mind Sean does not believe Connor had depressive episodes even though when Connor saw a pdoc that is exactly what he said Connor went through. We are doing our best to have therapy be his back up plan in order to keep him off medication because the pdoc was worried the meds could cause mania or suicidal thoughts. So, that said Connor and I both spoke with his teachers (I did not speak to all of them, his crew leader and the school counselor) about what was going on and his father's threats. Connor himself asked his teachers to tell him first about any contact his father made and what they planned on telling him so he was prepared. Since then Sean has been silent. I ignored his threats. Connor's therapy went well and his therapist has Connor on his own and to call when needed. All good. Connor worked his butt off making up work and maintaining his regular work. He got a most improved student award for the last quarter as proof of his efforts. Then there is science. Connor has conflicts with that teacher. I mentioned not to long ago how he came home depressed about it saying she doesn't answer his questions and told him to "be quiet, I'm teaching." I really should have called her up and said something but we didn't. Instead we came up with a plan thinking if she was going to be rude during class time then he should write his questions down and ask after school or after class. Still, he is gun shy about going to her for anything and do I really blame him? Sean emailed her and asked how Connor was doing and she sent him a reply. She did NOT notify us Sean contacted her or what she was going to say to him. We never asked her not to answer. It is within Sean's right according to the divorce. Even though she KNOWS how he handles these issues cause family stress and hurts Connor. She never cc'd the email to me or told Connor anything. She said how Connor hadn't earned ANY credits this year which I know is false. I spoke with the crew leader and know this for fact. She recommended summer school for Connor even though he has time to finish any missing work. She said if he doesn't he will have to repeat her class. I saw the email she sent because Sean attached it to the one he sent Connor and he cc'd it to me. Should Sean have contacted ME about this first. Yes. Instead he tells Connor that Connor has been lying to him about how he is doing in her class. That Connor will learn a lesson about this not happening again by sitting in summer school this July. He told Connor summer school will cost money (which he won't pay) and the costs "will be easier on Connor" if he has free or reduced lunch. Does Connor have that? Ok. I am mad a this. We have freaking food stamps. Of course he has free lunch. How could Sean not know this? Why are we on food stamps to freaking begin with? Huh? Huh? Maybe because someone spent our entire savings on bs and a lexus and crap like that. Who doesn't pay child support, or medical bills, or the IRfreakingS? Why would we be on food stamps? *pant - pant*

Connor was throwing up all day on Monday and STILL went to school yesterday to do work and he is home today because he pushed himself too hard to do his work. To say he is just a slacker is insulting. Also, there are no school buses to summer school. Is Sean going to drive him? *snort* I would have to and so much for having any kind of job. Sean just assumes Connor will go to summer school and end of discussion. Well, there WAS no discussion. Did he encourage Connor to get everything done in the days left of school? Did he talk to the crew leader when there is obvious issues between Connor and the science teacher? Did he look at the big picture and make Connor feel good about how hard he has been trying and how far he has come? Did he even consider Connor's winter medical issues and that keeping Connor stable takes priority? No. Can we discuss this rationally? No. His way or nothing. Well, I talked with Connor about this. He was in bed writing a report for science class when I got the email, the irony. We decided to ignore his father for the time being. Connor is going to keep doing what he is doing and plugging away at his work. I am going to call his crew leader and let her know what's going on. See what the real story with science is. I have seen all of Connor's work and seriously, he has done a LOT. I can see where his mistakes are but in no way is he missing the concepts. I also am going to ask for a note to be made for all the teachers about contacting us before hand. This teacher is going to hear it plain and simple. grrr... I know, KNOW, if I tell them summer school is a no go because it is a financial hardship, transportation issues etc. (IF it even got that far) Sean will use this as an excuse to say I am not taking Connor's education seriously and threaten us again. If Connor has to repeat the course then I will have to request another teacher handle it. I just wish Sean would concentrate on being civil with his kids, treating them with respect, spend time with them, gain their trust, do all of that, focus on that before he tries to do the other stuff. He has no idea what he is doing or talking about. On top of that he cc'd the email to Kathryn. Why the hell she should be involved makes no sense. She is NOT his mother and has no say or input on how Sean and I educate or raise him. She thinks she is teacher of the year or something and knows it all. I need to go and beat something...rugs, dough, bugs...something. I am SO glad Sofie has a play date this afternoon.


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