Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Can not see....

I turned my phone off today. I didn't want to talk with anyone. Mainly because I would have probably sneezed so many times they would have hung up on me anyway. I always sneeze at least 5 times in row. Usually 7-10. My highest count so far is 19. It doesn't matter if I am sick or not. When I sneeze...I do it a lot. I thought yesterday was bad but today was worse. I don't have a cold. I am just sneezing my brains out and blowing my nose so much I am chapped. I am guessing it must be some kind of allergy. I didn't know I had them but what else can it be? I feel awful because my eyes water and I am all swollen up in the face. I can't see very well and every time I get up to do actual work I don't get very far because I have to sit down and sneeze. Over and over. I just want to be left ALONE. I tried reading to Sofie today and I couldn't even finish. Bright light makes me sneeze too, so I have been squirreled away in my room with the windows covered most of the day. I am now attempting to use the computer. So far so good. The light from the screen isn't bothering me at the moment. Of course all this "sickness" isn't doing anything to make my mood better. Kids start school tomorrow and I haven't been able to enjoy our last day together much. Maybe I can make it through a movie tonight with them. Wish me luck. *achoo* x 7


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