Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Change of seasons?

It's happening again. That weird sneezing fit I had a few weeks ago. It started yesterday afternoon and I still have it this morning. I totally forgot I had medicine yesterday and was just miserable. I just took some. I hope it works. I wonder if I have developed an allergy or maybe it's just old age..:) Change of seasons doing it? I dunno. It's just plain weird and my eyes are burning. I have a cup of tea, Sofie is all clean and watching a movie next to me while learning how to do buckles, zippers and laces and I am waiting to the drug to kick in. It's for allergies so if it doesn't work then that probably isn't my problem. I will just be a random sneezing freak of nature. I was planning on taking Sofie for a nice long walk today. The weather is nice so I hope I feel better soon. Now Sofie is dancing and singing. She is watching Labyrinth (again) and loves the Magic Dance song. She loves David Bowie. How funny is that? She has such a pretty voice. Mine stinks. So does Sean's so it's her own talent completely. It's nice to hear singing in the house.

Cade left for camp today. He will be gone until Friday. It's through the school. It is a leadership and esteem building thing. Almost the whole school is gone. They are joining up with another island school. It will be quiet without him here. Two kids are left at the school here. The camp is only for 3-5th grades. The ones left behind are 1st graders. They call themselves Team Uno. Last year they were Team K. It's pretty cool. Today they have a field trip to the island store to make pizza and tomorrow are going to the island post office for a behind the scenes tour. The place is so small I am not sure what there is so see but it should be fun anyway...:) These are things Sofie will be able to do in the spring if they are able to start a preschool here. Did I even mention that? I got a call from the teacher a few days ago asking if I was interested in letting Sofie go to preschool here if it was available. I though well, cool. The superintendent had asked about it and it going to see is she can set it up. Cade would be in school with his sister for a few months at least. Next year he will be traveling on the ferry in town for 6th grade. None of the boys went to preschool. I didn't think it was necessary. I think for Sofie would like it though since the environment is SO different. She is already so involved with the school going on all the field trips and going to recess and coming over for story time frequently that it won't be too drastically different. A lot of places that call themselves preschools I think are really just more expensive day cares. Parents can feel less guilt about being away with the name change. We fool ourselves with fancy names. Domestic engineer = maid...sorry. Since she would only gone for the morning and still be home for nap time I think she would like it. It isn't a done deal anyway so we'll see. School budgets are tight. I don't know if Aiden would go this spring or next fall. He is 6 months younger so he would be a year beind Sofie either way. If he does go then I will be out of a job. Well, not quite but less time. It's all up in the air. So much to think about.


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