Monday, August 30, 2010
I worked today at the library something I have done with the same exact hours since Sean was living here for the past seven years. Hours Sean knows about and has known for those same seven years. I was babysitting and after I got the little ones settled for a nap I asked Will (who came home on the noon boat) to check the phone messages. He said there was one from a doctors office and two from Sean. I checked and the first was from Connor's counselors office confirming his session for tomorrow at 10am. I was pleased to see Sean did not cancel it again. Then I listened to Sean's message. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. He was talking about us having a co-parenting counseling session for tomorrow at......10am. I thought he had to be kidding. Then he went on giving me the name of the counselor and how he hadn't met her yet either and how he knew I was concerned about him meeting someone before me but he didn't think it should be an issue since he hadn't met her either. Well, here's the rub. One, I am going to go to Connor's session which I told Connor about, emailed Sean about and emailed my lawyer about. If they don't show up then I will talk to the lawyer about having Sean removed from making medical decisions for Connor. Also, Connor has not called me like he said he would after our last conversation and both he and Sean know about his physical as well. If they don't show for that either it's only more evidence for me. Second, because I spoke with counselors at the place Sean wants us to go to I am well aware (little does he know) that this session is not co-parenting. This is for Sean, Kathryn and Regan. I have no doubt that this person he told me about would want to see him first since this case is opened up under his name. I also know that any co-parenting sessions haven't even been considered yet. Still, he tells me we have a session tomorrow at 10am. He calls me while I am at work and he knows I check my messages maybe once a week. I only checked today because I was expecting one from a lady here on the island. No emails from him which is our main communication that we agreed upon from the last time we were in co-parenting counseling. I saw him yesterday and he didn't say anything to me about it. The day before thing just doesn't cut it. Most importantly he knew well in advance about Connor's appointment. I told him the day I made it. He never responded. Here is me making a big change. Before I would have reminded him. Before I would have emailed and asked if he had gotten my first email. Before I would have emailed or called back today and explained about Connor's session and could Sean reschedule yada yada. Not this time. This is Sean's mess from his disorganized mind and he will have to pay the consequences. I can not be his mother and wife anymore. I will go to Connor's appointment tomorrow. I will also call the person Sean told me about tomorrow (they are closed now) and get the record straight on co-parenting and my level if involvement. Sean is just not capable of keeping me in the loop without lying and/or exaggerating. I will make my own connection. If there was really an appointment scheduled for me there I would have gotten a phone call and I didn't. So, after that is all done then I will email Sean about what's going on and forward all of it to the lawyer. I can not be running around cleaning up his messes anymore or covering for his mistakes. I am just not going to do it. Nor am I going to waste my time and my life showing up for stuff that has nothing to do with me. As it is I am going to lose a whole day of work for Connor tomorrow. I am not going to be mad if he doesn't show because I can do the grocery shopping but I will be very disappointed in Connor. So we'll see how the day goes....
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Yesterday was not so bad. I was able to get a lot of my house cleaned. I was going to go help cook at a wedding but I got a phone call I had to take and between call backs and being on hold for this and that I was playing phone tag from about 1pm until at little after 3pm. I felt awful for missing the wedding but I had to take the calls since they were busy work for the university so I can get my books sent to me and stuff like that. I worked at home (the kids rooms upstairs was just awful) and I made myself stop at 4pm and have fun time for me. I watched a few things online and made myself a meal just for me. Will had a friend over so they were out fishing and I was by myself for a few hours. I can not remember when the last time that has happened. I was going to stay up past my normal bedtime but couldn't, I was too sleepy. Good thing because I woke up many times last night. First with a stomach ache then that went away only to morph into a sneezing fit/runny nose thing. I took some anti allergy stuff this morning. I hope it works. I have to go clean windows for someone today and take trash out at a couple of other places before I walk home with the kids from the dock. Will has tomorrow off and is spending the night in town with friends. He doesn't get to do stuff with his friends much so he is pretty happy about it. I will try and take it easy today though as much as possible. I start babysitting again starting tomorrow. I feel better knowing I will have that job even if it's week by week to figure out the hours. I have been taking Sofie with me to the library so I will try taking both of them tomorrow for story hour. We'll see how he does. He gets a little excited. I know now Sofie will sit through the whole thing and do a poem. Well, I had better get some breakfast and start the day.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Went to town yesterday to drop off the kids. Everything went rather smoothly. Sean was late of course but the kids and I knew he would be. Cade was a little worried what would happen if his dad didn't show up. It's little things like that I find bother me a lot because it shows how much Cade worries. We have dealt with this for years now and I keep telling Cade the same thing over and over again but he just keeps asking. I have told him repeatedly if his dad is so late I risk missing the boat home (which is the last boat of the day and I would be stuck in town) that we just all get back on the boat and go home. No big deal. He gets concerned if his dad will get mad at me because of it. I tell him I can't leave them alone in the city without a parent and dad would understand that and if he wants his time with them he will come out to the island the next day to get them. Again, no big deal. In reality Sean probably would be angry and after I remind him of what a bad idea it would be to leave them alone at the bay lines waiting for him he would calm down. Then of course he would ask ME to bring them in again which I would have done in the past but no longer. Which again would make him mad. Oh well.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Had trouble sleeping last night. I think it's because I am now enrolled in college. I want to puke. I know it is a good thing for me and my life. I found a place I do everything online which fits my life with the kids best and is a good balance between the kids, school and working part time or even full time here during the winter. Not that I even know if I will be able to babysit this winter. I might see about finishing the cataloging at the library until it gets too cold a few hours a day. That whole stress is worrisome. I got a grant that will pay for my first semester and half of the second. I can now look for scholarships but I do have a loan in place as back up. That of course nearly killed me. I hope I can find more...still, I am less excited about it and more feeling like I bit off more than I can chew even though I am only going to take two classes. I start next month. After my court stuff thank god.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
So, I am feeling super tense. I was feeling really good yesterday. It was raining and I cleaned up most of the afternoon after I came home from a public meeting for the school and working at the library. I made a nice dinner and watched some cartoons with Sofie and snuggled up in bed. I wish it was raining again today. Cade and Sofie have been snipping at each other all morning. It's like they knew I didn't have to "work" today and saved it up to take out on me. I had been hoping to get some busy paperwork done today. I did get some done but breaking up a fight every five minutes is making me quite punchy myself. I was able to finally schedule an appointment for Connor for next week. I emailed Sean about it and called Connor. He actually spoke to me! He was all sullen and broody. I asked him if he was mad at me and he asked me why I thought that. I told him since I have called him and he hasn't returned my calls or called me or come home in almost two weeks that was a pretty big clue. He didn't say he was mad or not. I asked him when he was coming home and he said he didn't know. I asked him what he was doing and he said nothing. (scream) So I just started rambling about what I was up to and what we were doing here and he finally started laughing. He then told me some stuff about what he had been doing and his plans to see one of his friends this weekend. He would be on another island and not with his dad. Of course that would mean he would be going another week without seeing Cade and Sofie. I told him about the new appointment and he sounded annoyed. He wasn't thrilled his physical was coming up either. Oh well. Then I emailed my lawyer and let him know of all the latest counseling developments.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I have no money coming in again. Lovely. Summer is pretty much over here. I have a few last cleaning jobs to finish up and about $350 heading my way then nada. I don't even know if I will be able to babysit anymore thanks to Connor and his bailing out on me this summer.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I knew I was in for a long night when Cade told me his tummy hurt around 8pm last night. Sure enough he was throwing up and other things all night long. I am still doing laundry. Even Sofie and can get it in the it a male thing? Anyway, Will is home to keep and eye on him while I go to my two cleaning jobs today. No fever and he seems to have stopped with the out going fluids stuff. I am just finishing off breakfast and then I will get going. I still have stomach pains myself but it is getting better. What a strange virus. I am pretty much still living off toast, soup and ginger ale. I can't wait to get back to normal. I hope Will and Sofie stay healthy.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
It took all I had to roll out of bed this morning. I'm at work now and about to go to my second job. Sofie is with me and is watching the guys outside build the new steps the library. She is sitting on the bench quietly and just in awe. The guys think she is very funny and cute.
My stomach still hurts but sharp pains I can deal with. As long as I am not throwing up I am good. I have two cleaning jobs for tomorrow but I am going to try and take it easy. I do feel a little in the clouds but I can blame that on benedryl...:)
I am still feeling stressed. Mostly because my house is a wreak from me not doing anything for two days. The boys help but it's just not enough. No word from Sean in response to my email on Monday or from the lawyer to him. What a shock...the "if you ignore the problem it will go away" way of thinking. I can only imagine where Connor gets it from? I don't answer emails if Sean is being abusive but other than that answer everything. It feels SO good to have the co-parenting therapy set up off my shoulders. I tried, I really did but now I will have to wait and see. That in itself is a little stressful but less so than having all the responsibility on my shoulders. I am looking forward to my own therapy next week and Cade's. I will call on Monday to arrange something for Connor. If Sean cancels it again then the court will frown on him and any plans he had of having Connor full time will be out the window.
Guess I had better close up shop for the day.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Day two and 1/2 of my stomach killing me. I am so very glad there was no court today. I would have been a total wreak. I was up at three am throwing up and have been in and out of sleep all day. Yesterday evening I thought I was getting better since I had stopped going to the bathroom every hour but oh no.....I was just going from bottom to top as it were. I have no idea where this came from. No one else is sick. Is it all stress related? Who knows. I have barely eaten anything in almost 4 days and even fluids make my stomach clench in pain. I drink anyway. No way I wanna get dehydrated. I am crabby as heck though. I am just glad the kids are able to entertain themselves. When I feel ok I try and do a little and spend some time talk with them. I missed work anyway today at the library which I feel awful about. I had Cade call when I realized I just wouldn't be able to make it. I was dressed and ready to go then I got sick again. After that I forced myself to rest. I just feel terrible to not be doing something around here...I need some ginger ale.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Got word from the lawyer. Tomorrow's court date is canceled. Finally something went my way. I am in shock. The lawyer thought my email to Sean outlining Connor's problems and our need to address them in therapy was great. He said he will be responding to Sean's email (since he cc'd it to him) soon. I wonder how Sean will handle it?
So, it's been a few days. Drama still unfolding and I can feel it. I was planning on cleaning two houses today. A much slower pace now that my nursing/aide job is over for the season. Last night though I got a tummy ache and I still have it. Being close to a bathroom is, I think, the wise choice for the day. Stress? I know I haven't been eating much. Who knows at this point.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
It's almost time to pick up Sofie. Instead of spending the weekend with their dad Sean picked them up then dropped them off with his parents so he could spend more time with Connor and they went to a metal concert. Cade called me today and told me and asked to stay another day with his grandparents. So he will be home tomorrow. Not long after that Sean called me and asked me if I knew Cade was going to be over there. I like how he didn't ask if it was ok or anything, his parents either. I might have had plans. I let it go though since CADE called and asked. At least the 10 year old is responsible. Anyway, then Sean asked me, "Will you be there tomorrow?" I had no clue what he was talking about. He asked me if I got his email. I had checked several times today and there was nothing there and told him so. He acted like how odd that was then told me he set up an intake session at community counseling for us but it wasn't important I was there and he would try and schedule sessions for Tuesday next time. I checked the email a little later and saw he sent me a one line message about the session and that even though I didn't have to be there they said it would be preferable. I know from experience with that place that it takes weeks to even get in so he had to have done this a while ago and never told me. He also knows that Tuesdays are the day I can come in. I have told him that many times and he shouldn't have accepted a Monday appointment. I called them even though it is Sunday and left a message with their intake department an told them how I was only informed of tomorrows session today and could not make it on such short notice. I asked if it could be rescheduled for a time I could be there since I want to fully be part of the process from the beginning. I told them the times I am available and left my number. I hope the session tomorrow is canceled and they call me back because if it isn't I will not be happy or feel very much trust for being there is things are set up and said behind my back. I also told them I would be there on Tuesday morning to discuss anything for a session for our son. We'll see. I will tell the lawyer all about this when I talk to him next week. I am not saying no just that I want to be there from the get go and the way this is being handled is doing nothing for my ability to feel comfortable or is it instilling trust in the place or Sean. I was not even notified by them. I always got a call for any of the kids sessions and for our earlier co-parenting sessions.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
In the mornings I need time. I am still getting queasy but not as bad as a few days ago. I need time for my tummy to settle, time to eat slowly, time to myself, time to figure out my day and relax before I jump into the fray.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Got a response. (I am at job number 2 btw) Sean said he will be bringing the kids back on Sunday on the 7pm ferry and he will let me know if it changes. I am deeply suspicious. I think he may conveniently "miss the boat" on Sunday and bring the kids back on Monday. We'll see. Also, called my lawyer today. I am waiting for a call back (I have Cade's cell phone with me) to find out about the court date next Friday. They are rechecking to see if it is still on or not. If it is then I will have to go in for a meeting with him next Wednesday. Missing another day of work I might add, plus Connor is scheduled for therapy that day. Cade is scheduled for Tuesday. So I may have to go in town three days next week. Wonderful.
At least the weather is nice.
It was still a long day yesterday. As I was dropping Sofie off my friend said to me, "Have some fun in town." I am sure I looked blank because she laughed and I said, "I didn't schedule "fun" in for today." I took her advice though and dropped into my favorite used paperback store and picked up 3 books. I had some credit left from my last exchange. No stress about spending money was nice and I got the next book in one of the series I just finished, always a good thing. When I got back to the island at 7pm I saw it was ladies night on the store porch and stopped in and sat in one of the rockers to chat and have a glass of wine. I nearly fell asleep at one point but revived at the end and got a ride home. I was still in bed by 9:30. So, I did something for me. Therapist would be proud.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I did some juggling and instead of leaving at 6 am we are leaving at 9 am. Why? Connor. He did his usual ranting and raving about going to therapy at 9 am today and I rescheduled it for next week. Why? Aren't I just letting him get his way? Well, who thinks therapy is going to be beneficial one iota if he doesn't even want to be there or be awake? Not me. Did I even want to be there and get stressed and drag Cade around and pay a sitter 3 extra hours for Sofie for Connor's sake? I talked with his counselor and told him about the problem and that his time with his dad isn't changing Connor's attitude one bit. The whole "I'm tired" thing is still going on and is used as a crutch. I told him I know the next session was supposed to be with his dad as well but I want the next one to be for Connor and myself to address our family problems first. I told Connor about the change and he asked me if his dad knew about the one for today. I told him that was none of his business. He seemed a bit stunned. Then he said his dad was taking him to a concert in Boston on Sunday. Now, I knew this concert was coming up (I thought it was on Tuesday though) and I knew Connor wanted to go and his dad had expressed interest in taking him. Did I know it was a done deal? No. Do I mind? Not really. What I find interesting is the fact they are going to drive down early, buy a book and wait in line for it to be hopefully signed by the author who is one of the band members from the concert they will be seeing, bought tickets to see it, buying food for the day and paying for who knows what else and yet..and yet...Sean said he couldn't pay $45 upfront for therapy? Why should I bother to make it happen? I really want to give up. Oh, and they think they will be able to drive back the same day. Riiiight. I see a hotel stay in their future. Mr. Poverty Stricken will have a tough time won't he?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Back at the library and taking a few minutes before opening to settle myself. I am in bad shape. The stress is getting to me big time. Yesterday morning I missed out on my morning nursing job because my sitter didn't come (I switched my town day from Tuesday to Thursday due to Connor's therapy) and around 9am I started feeling sick to my stomach. Nausea so bad I almost lost it. I was in and out of it for 3 hours and I hoped it was a fluke. Something I ate or didn't eat enough or some bug. Today I got up as normal, although I have been feeling run down a bit, and about 20 minutes before I had to leave I began feeling it again. I remember a few months after Sean left I began feeling this way. At the time I didn't think it was stress related. I wasn't thinking about stuff before the waves would hit or anything. It lasted a good six months but was only really bad for about three. Every single morning I would have it. I couldn't brush my teeth until noon or eat until late morning because I would just feel sick. I didn't eat much yesterday. It was freaking hot out though so I know I wouldn't have eaten much anyway. I had some yogurt this morning and I really wish I hadn't an half an hour later. Now I am having an apple and I hope it isn't too much but it is a delicate game I am playing. I hope it doesn't last as long this time but I know it is stress. I can see last time was too. I really don't want an ulcer or acid reflux or something. The nausea is bad enough.
Had company over the weekend, that was nice. I still had one 11 hour work day during that time and more or less normal hours the rest of the time. The next week here is going to be harsh and I know that is part of my problem. I also don't want to go to all the therapy appointments tomorrow and miss out on work but I know I have to. I am looking forward to my own but not Connor's. I am kind of blank on Cade's. I still don't have a proper sitter for Sofie yet and that is making me feel bad. Leaving her behind makes me feel bad. After this I have to clean a house which I don't want to do in this heat. Then another. Thursday in town day. Friday, nursing job, library, cleaning, take kids in town, nursing job. I feel like I am stretched a bit thin.
Connor has been home since Friday. I am shocked. He did leave to spend the night with a friend on another island on Monday but he came home the next day. I never thought I would feel stressed out having my own child at home with me but that is how I feel around him now. Like I am being watched and talked about and spied on. Judged and ignored. My friend could see the change in him as well. He didn't even sit down for a whole meal with us. He sat pushed food around then left the table. He spoke a little but spent most of the time outside of the house. He is distancing himself and it is heartbreaking and I just don't understand why. I feel like I am doing everything I could possibly do wrong with him. What bothers me a great deal is how much of his father's bad behaviors he is displaying. Sean isn't totally evil. He does have a good trait or two. I wish Connor would latch on to those things and not the negative. Of course the negative scale is pretty heavy so...
On a nicer note I was able to pick up Sofie's ballet clothes last Friday. I gave them to her Monday morning when she woke up and she was thrilled and dressed up in them right away. She spent most of yesterday in and out of them doing made up dance routines while listening to Bach. I really have to take her picture. So cute...:)
Still queasy...
Friday, August 6, 2010
So, I once again told Sean he needed to be at the bay lines today at the normal time. I told him I would have Sofie with me but Cade was going to stay because he is going to be a waiter at the community breakfast Saturday morning which he does EVERY year and Sean and him fought over it last year and Cade stayed that time too. I didn't realize it was this Saturday until yesterday evening. I then said Cade would meet him at the dock for the 4pm boat back that Saturday afternoon and I would be waiting to pick both kids up on Sunday as usual. I didn't cave and the one change I did make was for Cade and was for an event that he does every year and Sean is well aware of that fact if not the exact day. I got a reply this morning. One sentence, "I'll be there tonight."
* Big sigh of relief*
A week of hair pulling misery for me. I need to get tougher for sure. Next week the kids will be with me anyway and all I will need (hopefully) to worry about is if we go to court this month or not. No word yet. I will have to call the lawyer again today. I will also have to talk to him about the co-parenting counseling. It isn't going to happen unless I do something. I think it will have to be through the agency Cade goes through that Sean and I went to last time. I would prefer to set it up if that is the way we have to go since I can try and request someone tough. Most likely though we will get whoever we get. The person we saw last time is out because Sean already said he didn't want to see her. Whatever. More crap for me to deal with. I feel so burnt out I think I am shaking in my brain, soon it will be a physical thing.
Oh well, back to work, still cataloging books into the computer system. Wee...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Sitter problems again. I had to bail from a cleaning job this afternoon because I have no one to watch Sofie. I had someone for my first job this morning but she could only do the morning. Will had planned to have the day off but got a call last night to come in today to go sell. When he gets back I can try and do as much of the job as possible before my evening job. I don't mind being home with her. I wish I could do it all day. I miss the winter time all ready. I am so tired and hormonal right now. Not to mention my arms are very sore.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I despise the heat. Summer is my least favorite season. I should be cleaning a house right now but I am not going until it cools off some.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Today was supposed to be a in town day. Therapy, food shopping, stuff for the house shopping and a myriad of other errands.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I have been going straight out. I really shouldn't be posting and should be doing a chore or something but I am thirsty and giving my feet a rest.