Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guilt and Limits

So, it's been a few days. Drama still unfolding and I can feel it. I was planning on cleaning two houses today. A much slower pace now that my nursing/aide job is over for the season. Last night though I got a tummy ache and I still have it. Being close to a bathroom is, I think, the wise choice for the day. Stress? I know I haven't been eating much. Who knows at this point.

So, Sean went to the session on Monday. I called the place on Monday from Cade's cell phone and had to leave another message about wanting to cancel and reschedule. I left the cell number because I wasn't going to be home until around 5pm. No call back. I checked my messages when I got home and they had called saying since the case was opened up under Sean's name I couldn't cancel or reschedule. I would have to ask him to do it. Of course by then it was to late. Cade came home that night and told me his dad went there because Sean brought him and Cade saw his counselor briefly in passing and said hi. Sean had picked Cade up from his parents since he was in the area for his new tutoring job anyway. I will have to call DHS about that. We went to town the next day (Tuesday) and I was not pleased. I talked with Cade's counselor about it and she was confused. She said she didn't think anything had been set up as far as co-parenting counseling was concerned. She said she had referred Sean to the intake department because he said he wanted counseling for him and Kathryn and Ragan. I said that was fine and none of my concern. That is his life not mine. My issue was he called me and emailed me asking if I would be there and that it was about co-parenting. I explained to her my concerns and she told me she had talked to her supervisor about this and that everyone involved did not want to see a bunch of therapists in the mix to make things confusing. Sean was supposed to be going slow and doing things step by step. Which he wasn't in several areas including Cade (more on that later). So she called the intake while I was there and come to find out the intake session was just for him. I did not need to be there at all. It was about why he wants counseling for his family and it had nothing what so ever to do with co-parenting. I wanted to kick myself for falling into his damn stall tactics again. At least I went and asked for information. I wanted outside confirmation of things and I don't just take his word blindly like I used to. I still see that I want to. I tend to take his word at first blush but then I think, oh, wait a minute I need to check this out. That fact I have to do that for everything is tiring. As for Cade, Sean solved his problem of being in two places at once by leaving the kids with his parents. Why he even bothered to have them in the first place boggles my mind but what ever. His problem not mine. He did spend some time with them in Friday anyway and during that time again insisted to Cade he have Kathryn come into his next session. Sean said he wanted Cade and Kathryn to have a better relationship and how he was concerned how Cade must be upset with her ignoring him. Cade told him she could come next week. He was tired of repeating himself with his dad. He knew he dad would keep insisting until Cade caved and that he wasn't listening to what Cade wanted. Cade told me about this just before his session on Tuesday and during my alone time with his counselor I told her about it. She was not pleased. She had already told Sean that Kathryn was not going to be allowed into sessions until one, she meets with Kathryn first and two until Cade tells her she is ok with it. I just said she should be expecting Sean to think since Cade said yes to next week for this to be a done deal and so I was just letting her know. I told her I wanted out of the loop on this and as far as I was concerned this was between Cade and his dad. I did say that I felt Sean was trying to push Kathryn on Cade and vise versa. I think Sean thought once he was with her that they would all be one happy family and things are not turning out the way his delusional mind thought they would. If things don't work out they way he wants he will have to start seeing the bad choices he made and that he hurt his kids and of course he doesn't want to face that. He can't make the two of them like each other if they don't. It has to be up to them. Therapy might help but it can't be rushed or pushed. The counselor says she feels like Sean has some real organizational issues and seems to be wanting everything to be happening at once. Even though he has been told repeatedly she is the one making the clinical decisions and that things need to go one step at a time. I told her I didn't know if he was feeling pressure from Kathryn or financial ones or the court process but I have had to learn not to dwell much on that kind of stuff. More than likely he is slightly manic. His life is like waves. Nothing happens for a while then everything at once with a big crash. We are getting to crash level and all I want is for Cade to be out of it. Obviously things are not going hunky dory at home for him if he feels he needs therapy for him and Kathryn. Whoopie! I say. She said part of the problem she is having is that Sean calls her and leaves messages which she returns but never gets to speak with him. She tries to call him and has to leaves messages that he doesn't return. She doesn't want to be in the middle of us or having Cade being a middle man passing stuff back and forth because it is stressful to him. I agreed and that is why I don't ask him about stuff that goes on over there because I don't want Sean thinking this is ok. As for Sean and I communicating I told her I have the same problem she is experiencing. I have had to try and figure out all by myself how to share information and I took up a huge burden of doing everything. I was making myself ill from it and I have had to back off and that does lead to a smaller exchange of info but it will take time for Sean to see I will stay firm and not do everything. I hope that even though it will rough short term this will be good for the kids long term. It has been a long process and I have had to face a lot of anger from Sean about it since he still expects me to do everything but he has to be a parent too. She agreed he could be calling doctors and schools as well. Things like that. I felt better after leaving though because I now know what's going on for the co-parenting piece. Nothing. It is still in Sean's hands. I will call the intake soon and double check that if something does get scheduled for that I will be fully informed through them and when I am available but I will not set it up myself.

I am expecting a call today from the lawyer. He is going to confirm that Friday's court date is canceled. I talked with him yesterday to see if it was canceled and he said there was a paper snafu with the court and the magistrate but what they did know for sure was Sean did not object to the cancelation so all it needs the magistrates stamp of approval but he was sure it would be. I will be a little queasy until I know for sure but I feel good about it. I also told him I sent him and email. Why? Well, that was stress number one billion for this week. Connor had a session scheduled for Wednesday at 11am. It was the one I had rescheduled from last week because Connor didn't want to get up to make the 9am one. I should have made him go but as I said before, if I did how responsive would he have been? Connor was supposed to come home Tuesday night (he promised) and we would go from there. I hadn't heard from him in a few days and I had left a message for him to call me and reminded him he had promised to call but hadn't. I called again on Tuesday afternoon to see which boat he was coming home on. Sean answered the phone and said he was in the car and Connor wasn't there. They don't have a home phone only cells. I asked Sean what boat Connor was coming home on and he said he knew nothing about it. He said he was taking Connor to his session on Wednesday. I told him that was fine if he did but Connor promised to come home and I wanted to talk to him. He had promised to call as well and didn't. Sean said he would tell him. The way he said it I knew he wouldn't. I told Sean he needed to hand the phone to Connor because my trust level with Connor was pretty low. He is breaking promises to me and I want an explanation. Sean said ok and I hung up. Connor never called or bothered coming home. The next morning Sean sent me and email saying he canceled the therapy appointment. He said Connor's counselor said Connor didn't need to go back since Connor had made his choice to live with Sean in a well thought out manner. I was furious. Connor wants to live with Sean to get out of chores, work, homework, being polite and other responsibilities such as his volunteer time to ACE, also to see his girlfriend who is rumored to be using drugs which also was something I wanted to discuss as well as how Connor has been treating his siblings. I wanted Sean to see the big picture and not just the spin Connor was creating to pit the two of us against one another. I emailed all of this to Sean as well as the fact he shouldn't have canceled the appointment without discussing it with me first or I could have told him all of this. Sean then went on to say Connor doesn't call me or visit because I am being to confrontational. (insert scream here) That I should be more supportive of this transition. I pointed out that first of all this is not a done deal. Connor's time there is a trial and him not coming home regularly is showing how much this trial is failing. Second the real test isn't the summer time but during school when Connor has to get up before 10am and has to do homework and to look out for the winter depression. I informed Sean I was going to seek one week with Connor being with Sean and one with me along with therapy as part of the deal. I didn't say it but Connor's behavior is getting more and more like Sean and I am scared to death he might be heading down the bi-polar path. Sean had cc'd his email to me about canceling the appointment to my lawyer. Which is funny since part of the problem he said he had with me was claiming I took the kids out of therapy without telling him and that they all needed it. If that is true then why did he take Connor out? I told Sean I was going to reschedule an appointment and I would tell Connor when it would be. I feel like I should just throw in the towel sometimes with Connor. Seeing his dad more is fine with me. Living with someone who only wants to act like Connor's best friend and not a parent I have issues with. Connor needs a constant eye and strict supervision and Sean just isn't up for that. I need to think about Connor's best interest and him being with someone who isn't even dealing with his own mental issues much less on the look out for Connor's scares me. I tried all the compromises I could think of but in the end Connor needs structure and the coming and going as he sees fit is not a good thing for him.

So, that has been my crap for the week. Guilt for wishing Connor didn't exist sometimes. Still struggling with what my limits and boundaries should be. Riding the rising tide of mania...gotta love it.


Carol said...

That just sucked the energy right out of me, just reading that--I can't imagine how you feel, you're actually dealing with all of this!!!!

I think your "wave" analogy was a good one--you've come a long way in seeing Sean's issues and not getting sucked into them (as much as possible).

That stuff with Connor is infuriating. I'm glad you emailed the atty. It sounds like (once again) Sean is using the kids for his own twisted agenda. The disrespect you are getting from both of them just blows me away!!!

I hope the atty will provide you with some suggestions on how to handle this, as to me this seems like interference with child custody--after all, you have custody still, right? And you are not being allowed to see/talk to Connor...? Or maybe that's overreacting, but I don't think so.

Makes steam come out of my ears!!!

perphila said...

I do have primary residency for all the kids and shared rights and responsibilities. Which means Sean should not be able to cancel appointments without telling me. He did that before when I tried to have Connor seen by a pdoc the first time and is ironic since one of his issues in the current court case was about me "taking the kids out of counseling unilaterally" and that "all the kids need to be in therapy." Just like he had gone and scheduled a sports physical for him without telling me which if he had he would have known Connor already had his yearly physical scheduled. I confronted him about it and he said he would cancel and never did so I went and did it since he said he would and "just hadn't gotten around to it yet" even though the appointment was for the next day. I don't think me making that cancellation was a unilateral decision on my part. I always let him know about appointments that are out of the ordinary, ear infections, etc.. Yearly ones like physicals, eye care and dental (every six months) I don't usually mention since they are for regular care and since he never takes them or has anything to do with billing I felt he could call the providers himself. I do however tell him the results of the visits. In theory I could call the police and have Connor physically removed from Sean and brought home but that would only increase problems. I will do it though if I felt Connor was in physical danger. I am very worried right now about his relationship with his girlfriend and if she is really into drugs or not. Also I found one of his old sex ed tests. He passed the class but he failed some really basic stuff that bothered me big time. If Sean is letting him spend the night at her house like I have been told then I will be bringing that up in counseling. If we ever get there that is.

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