Thursday, August 12, 2010

Reading and advice

I did some juggling and instead of leaving at 6 am we are leaving at 9 am. Why? Connor. He did his usual ranting and raving about going to therapy at 9 am today and I rescheduled it for next week. Why? Aren't I just letting him get his way? Well, who thinks therapy is going to be beneficial one iota if he doesn't even want to be there or be awake? Not me. Did I even want to be there and get stressed and drag Cade around and pay a sitter 3 extra hours for Sofie for Connor's sake? I talked with his counselor and told him about the problem and that his time with his dad isn't changing Connor's attitude one bit. The whole "I'm tired" thing is still going on and is used as a crutch. I told him I know the next session was supposed to be with his dad as well but I want the next one to be for Connor and myself to address our family problems first. I told Connor about the change and he asked me if his dad knew about the one for today. I told him that was none of his business. He seemed a bit stunned. Then he said his dad was taking him to a concert in Boston on Sunday. Now, I knew this concert was coming up (I thought it was on Tuesday though) and I knew Connor wanted to go and his dad had expressed interest in taking him. Did I know it was a done deal? No. Do I mind? Not really. What I find interesting is the fact they are going to drive down early, buy a book and wait in line for it to be hopefully signed by the author who is one of the band members from the concert they will be seeing, bought tickets to see it, buying food for the day and paying for who knows what else and yet..and yet...Sean said he couldn't pay $45 upfront for therapy? Why should I bother to make it happen? I really want to give up. Oh, and they think they will be able to drive back the same day. Riiiight. I see a hotel stay in their future. Mr. Poverty Stricken will have a tough time won't he?

Do I sound bitter? Sarcastic? I am pretty mad at myself for not even realizing the costs and irony of it all for several days. I am STILL not seeing the big picture. Not to mention I had thought Sean would tell Connor in the end they couldn't go because they couldn't afford it but I forgot (again) if it something SEAN likes and something SEAN wants to do he makes it happen. I don't know if he begged, borrowed or stole the money to do this but one thing I know for sure he isn't doing this for Connor. It's all for selfish motives and to bribe his son to live with him which again is for selfish motives of not having to pay child support.

Oh the reading and advice thing? I am reading several books about teen parenting and parenting with children (teens) with depression. I am not thinking it will help me much. Advice...I hope my counselor and help me.

I had better get a shower in...I can't even sleep properly now.


Carol said...

Boy, for someone who can't afford $45 for therapy, he's sure loaded, isn't he???? You should not be put into this position, especially if Sean can afford all this "fun stuff". No wonder you're stressed out!!!

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