Saturday, August 21, 2010


It took all I had to roll out of bed this morning. I'm at work now and about to go to my second job. Sofie is with me and is watching the guys outside build the new steps the library. She is sitting on the bench quietly and just in awe. The guys think she is very funny and cute.

My stomach still hurts but sharp pains I can deal with. As long as I am not throwing up I am good. I have two cleaning jobs for tomorrow but I am going to try and take it easy. I do feel a little in the clouds but I can blame that on benedryl...:)

I am still feeling stressed. Mostly because my house is a wreak from me not doing anything for two days. The boys help but it's just not enough. No word from Sean in response to my email on Monday or from the lawyer to him. What a shock...the "if you ignore the problem it will go away" way of thinking. I can only imagine where Connor gets it from? I don't answer emails if Sean is being abusive but other than that answer everything. It feels SO good to have the co-parenting therapy set up off my shoulders. I tried, I really did but now I will have to wait and see. That in itself is a little stressful but less so than having all the responsibility on my shoulders. I am looking forward to my own therapy next week and Cade's. I will call on Monday to arrange something for Connor. If Sean cancels it again then the court will frown on him and any plans he had of having Connor full time will be out the window.

Guess I had better close up shop for the day.


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