Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good News..maybe

In the mornings I need time. I am still getting queasy but not as bad as a few days ago. I need time for my tummy to settle, time to eat slowly, time to myself, time to figure out my day and relax before I jump into the fray.

I hate getting up early but I love having that time. Not to mention it takes about a good half hour for my nose to stop running every morning. Allergies? I have no clue. Anyway, I dropped the kids off (Cade and Sofie) yesterday and was able to polish off my latest book on the ferry ride home. It was SO sweet and funny. I can't recommend it enough. Cotillion by Georgette Heyer. My wits must have been dull to not have seen the ending coming sooner than I did. I was very pleased and for a while a bit scared the heroine would make a VERY bad choice. I can only imagine how the "hero" felt. He is totally not a hero but he is an everyday hero and really, in real life that's the kind of guy you want.

I was feeling very good about the ending which perked me up considerably. I then got a call from my lawyer which only heightened my mood. He called the court to see why we hadn't gotten word about next Friday and was told the reason was because Sean never answered the court about the cancellation. So, the judge seeing the case was out Friday but would be back on Monday and she would make a decision and he would let me know by Tuesday if we are going or not. Seeing as how Sean is now no longer in a position to object it is looking like Friday's court date about the child support will be canceled. One can only hope. As for the co-parenting therapy (which btw my own therapist thinks is something Sean can not do) I told him about Sean taking Connor to the concert in Boston and the costs etc verses the money arguement for not going to therapy he said Sean not going only looks bad for him. I told him I was going to email Sean and tell him as far as that subject goes I have done my part and if he is committed to going he can set something up with community counseling but we will be taking a gamble on who we will be getting. The lawyer said that sounded like a good plan and that I have done enough running around and it is only fair Sean take a turn. My therapist said the same thing so I feel a little less guilty about it all. Again, is this my responsibility? I tried to set something up, Sean said no, his turn. Right?

I was also pleased I was able to get a cleaning job done yesterday (with Sofie no less) in only three hours and was able to easily catch the boat on time. The lady was impressed as well and said I performed a miracle. I have to agree since her son was there most of the time and....oh my goodness. The lady is so super nice. Her kids? I can't even begin on the yelling, fighting, rudeness...oh...I did not want Sofie there but I made her stick to me like glue and she was amazing. She did everything I asked, never got upset, answered me the first time, didn't cry or whine, listened. I was shocked she didn't have at least one problem in three hours but she didn't. I think she was a little stunned at the two kids behaviors. As much as I like the money I am glad that job is almost done for the summer.


Carol said...

It sounds like things are a little more hopeful--Sean is still an idiot and still not doing what he says he'll do....surprise, right? I think that's a great idea, let Sean take the initiative for once (like he really will, but you never know...)

You're doing a good job of taking care of yourself. I'm going to see if our library has that book.

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