Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today was supposed to be a in town day. Therapy, food shopping, stuff for the house shopping and a myriad of other errands.

Last night Cade begged out wanting to take a week off his therapy. He had been on the outs with a friend who had treated him quite badly on Sunday and this friend had apologized for his behavior and asked Cade over today to play and to make up for it. Cade really wanted the chance to do this and I had a choice before me. I thought about how bad Cade had felt Sunday night and how black and white his thinking was that day. His tears and how he had felt all his friends treated him worse than anybody else. Doing this today would be a great lesson in how to forgive and how when you treat someone else poorly what you can do to make up for it. Not to mention Cade seemed very happy. So I told him I would call and reschedule but he wasn't getting out of it completely. He was very happy.

Then I checked my email and saw one from Sean, in it he said he got the check I had sent back that he had given me which was written out wrong and that he would send me a new one and that he would pick up Cade at the ferry today and take Cade to his session since Kathryn was going to be there. I was a it shocked. Cade had not said anything to me about her coming into his session. Then I got another email from one of the people I work for who was having trouble with a renter and could I go there today and help? Crud. So there went my own session and I figured I had better call today a wash and reschedule everything.

I talked to Cade and he said he had told his counselor that he knew Kathryn would be coming in but he wasn't ready yet. I am not sure he was clear on that because when I talked to the counselor about it she said he told her it was ok for Kathryn to come today. I told her he told me almost the same thing, that she could come but that he wanted to have a few sessions first to know what he wanted to say to her and that wasn't today. So, I know Sean spoke with Cade earlier last week about his last session and I was in the room so I know Cade told him he spoke with Rose about Kathryn coming in and that he was aware his dad wanted that to happen and that he was ok with it "sometime". I know for a fact he did not tell his dad it was ok for it to happen today. The counselor was saying stuff to me about him feeling caught in the middle and stuff and I asked her, how is he caught in the middle with Kathryn coming in when it has nothing to do with me? I told Cade his sessions are his to do with as he sees fit with his counselor. He has to do what is best for him and if he wants Kathryn to be there that's his choice. I just want him to make sure it is what he wants to do when he wants to do it and not be bullied by anyone to do something he isn't ready for. I told him it would be a good idea for him to be able to tell Kathryn exactly how he feels about her, her treatment of him, how he feels about her etc. in a safe place and in front of his dad. The whole idea of talking things out is the only way to try and make things better. I will never again tell the kids that it will make things better but at least he can feel better about getting all of those feelings off his chest. He agreed it would be a good idea eventually but not right now. He is kind of ok with how things are for the moment with her not speaking to him. He said his dad thinks her not talking to him is upsetting him. Cade said he certainly doesn't want to be in a place where he isn't liked or wanted but her not talking to him isn't changing anything. He already knew she didn't like him or want him there. She is just more obvious about it than before and he is rather mad at his dad that it took for her to stop talking to Cade to make him notice the fact Cade has known all along. Therapy isn't going to make Cade like her and he doubts it will make her like him either. SO, I have to keep telling myself, not my problem, not my problem, not my problem, I can't fix this, I can't fix this, I can't fix this. I have to just sit there and let it all play out for better or for worse and I had hoped that kind of feeling was something I would have time to grow to adjust to as the kids began leaving home and living their lives AS ADULTS and not now at 15 and 10 years old when I feel like I SHOULD be able to do something. *sigh*

Anywho, I emailed Sean back and told him we weren't going to be there today. No explanations. I am working hard on trying not to justify my actions to Sean all the time. I know I don't need to but I keep feeling like I should. Then I told him he had to pick the kids up at the bay lines on Friday like normal and bring them back on Sunday. I didn't explain my work schedule or my company situation or that this is the court order and we should follow it. Nothing. Yes, I realize it will make his life harder to make so many trips and stuff but, is that my problem? No. If he wants to make plans or not is his choice and I don't have to turn my life upside down to help him out. He always make it seem like I would be helping the kids because he knows I will bend over back words for them and that is how he plays me. He knows I go without buying stuff for myself and taking time for me for their sakes and uses it to his advantage. To the point where I feel guilty and ashamed. Where I feel like I am letting them down and not doing enough for them. Not being responsible enough or too selfish. I am hard on them and make them work and am far stricter than most of their friends parents but I do that for them and I certainly don't abuse them. Cade calls me a workaholic now and so I feel bad about that too. I don't want to work all the time and not see them. What's the point of even having them if I never see them? I at least take Sofie with me to most of my jobs. Cade comes a lot and chips in so I see him more than he realizes. Will of course I see little of due to school or his work but he makes time to spend time with all of us and his friends. He really understands balance and tries hard to make it happen. As for Connor I haven't spoken to him or seen him since last week. He is coming home on Friday. I have called for him but he hasn't called back. As sad as that makes me I don't let it deter me. I also don't want to smother him. Most likely he will move out soon to live with his dad. It's sad since I know it won't last but I guess he has to do this. I just hate all the legal stuff that is going to happen. I feel like I am wound up tight and I will snap at any time. Not anger but tears, floods and floods.

No response from Sean yet but when it comes it won't be good. This is worse than the divorce.


Carol said...

Too bad for Sean. He's gotta learn that the world has not been designed specifically so that he can manipulate people. Good for you for not explaining yourself--you don't have to!!!!

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