Friday, August 20, 2010


Day two and 1/2 of my stomach killing me. I am so very glad there was no court today. I would have been a total wreak. I was up at three am throwing up and have been in and out of sleep all day. Yesterday evening I thought I was getting better since I had stopped going to the bathroom every hour but oh no.....I was just going from bottom to top as it were. I have no idea where this came from. No one else is sick. Is it all stress related? Who knows. I have barely eaten anything in almost 4 days and even fluids make my stomach clench in pain. I drink anyway. No way I wanna get dehydrated. I am crabby as heck though. I am just glad the kids are able to entertain themselves. When I feel ok I try and do a little and spend some time talk with them. I missed work anyway today at the library which I feel awful about. I had Cade call when I realized I just wouldn't be able to make it. I was dressed and ready to go then I got sick again. After that I forced myself to rest. I just feel terrible to not be doing something around here...I need some ginger ale.

Connor still hasn't called. I guess I might try tonight. I feel so bad right now though I might do it tomorrow. Going for days at a time not talking to my kids is not something I like.


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