Friday, August 6, 2010

Ironed Out

So, I once again told Sean he needed to be at the bay lines today at the normal time. I told him I would have Sofie with me but Cade was going to stay because he is going to be a waiter at the community breakfast Saturday morning which he does EVERY year and Sean and him fought over it last year and Cade stayed that time too. I didn't realize it was this Saturday until yesterday evening. I then said Cade would meet him at the dock for the 4pm boat back that Saturday afternoon and I would be waiting to pick both kids up on Sunday as usual. I didn't cave and the one change I did make was for Cade and was for an event that he does every year and Sean is well aware of that fact if not the exact day. I got a reply this morning. One sentence, "I'll be there tonight."

* Big sigh of relief*

A week of hair pulling misery for me. I need to get tougher for sure. Next week the kids will be with me anyway and all I will need (hopefully) to worry about is if we go to court this month or not. No word yet. I will have to call the lawyer again today. I will also have to talk to him about the co-parenting counseling. It isn't going to happen unless I do something. I think it will have to be through the agency Cade goes through that Sean and I went to last time. I would prefer to set it up if that is the way we have to go since I can try and request someone tough. Most likely though we will get whoever we get. The person we saw last time is out because Sean already said he didn't want to see her. Whatever. More crap for me to deal with. I feel so burnt out I think I am shaking in my brain, soon it will be a physical thing.

Oh well, back to work, still cataloging books into the computer system. Wee...


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