Sunday, August 29, 2010

Death warmed over

Yesterday was not so bad. I was able to get a lot of my house cleaned. I was going to go help cook at a wedding but I got a phone call I had to take and between call backs and being on hold for this and that I was playing phone tag from about 1pm until at little after 3pm. I felt awful for missing the wedding but I had to take the calls since they were busy work for the university so I can get my books sent to me and stuff like that. I worked at home (the kids rooms upstairs was just awful) and I made myself stop at 4pm and have fun time for me. I watched a few things online and made myself a meal just for me. Will had a friend over so they were out fishing and I was by myself for a few hours. I can not remember when the last time that has happened. I was going to stay up past my normal bedtime but couldn't, I was too sleepy. Good thing because I woke up many times last night. First with a stomach ache then that went away only to morph into a sneezing fit/runny nose thing. I took some anti allergy stuff this morning. I hope it works. I have to go clean windows for someone today and take trash out at a couple of other places before I walk home with the kids from the dock. Will has tomorrow off and is spending the night in town with friends. He doesn't get to do stuff with his friends much so he is pretty happy about it. I will try and take it easy today though as much as possible. I start babysitting again starting tomorrow. I feel better knowing I will have that job even if it's week by week to figure out the hours. I have been taking Sofie with me to the library so I will try taking both of them tomorrow for story hour. We'll see how he does. He gets a little excited. I know now Sofie will sit through the whole thing and do a poem. Well, I had better get some breakfast and start the day.


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