Thursday, August 5, 2010

Another Offer

Sitter problems again. I had to bail from a cleaning job this afternoon because I have no one to watch Sofie. I had someone for my first job this morning but she could only do the morning. Will had planned to have the day off but got a call last night to come in today to go sell. When he gets back I can try and do as much of the job as possible before my evening job. I don't mind being home with her. I wish I could do it all day. I miss the winter time all ready. I am so tired and hormonal right now. Not to mention my arms are very sore.

Got another email today. One day. I want one day from not hearing from him. He made another offer so change the schedule. I feel like caving. This time he wants to take them off the island Saturday on the afternoon boat (notice it's after the party he is going to) and then he said he would bring them back on the noon boat Monday. This would be nice if I didn't have to go into town anyway on Friday no matter if he gets them or not. Not to mention I will be working on Monday so he wants me to send either Connor or my guest to come and pick them up at the dock. True he would be coming to get them and bring them back but if he didn't come out here to party he wouldn't be coming to get them. Oh, and I will be cleaning a house on Saturday so I can't bring the kids to the afternoon boat. Cade of course could simply walk there himself but Sofie? I am not sure my brain and heart can handle this.

Stay firm? Try to make it work? I just don't know. I don't want to seem "inflexible" still....*sigh*


Carol said...

My gut feeling on this one is that
a) if you give in to this, it'll be more "bully power" for the next thing he wants


b) He's got more options than you do as far as visits go. He's got a "wife" to watch his other family members. He's got more money than you and doesn't have to work eighty billion jobs to get it. I think you should stand your ground just because he has spent over three years being a MAJOR INCONVENIENCE to you and the kids. He deserves to be inconvenienced once in a while. Not you. You've had enough. You've bend over backwards and twisted up like a pretzel to try to meet his stupid demands. And you shouldn't have to and don't have to do that any more. You deserve some comfort and ease too, and if that involves keeping the schedule the same, then I don't think you're being unreasonable at all, not even a teensy bit, if you don't want to change it. Too bad for him, but all of this is his fault anyhow, he's made his bed and now he's gotta lie in it, can't change it now.

I'm glad he's way over in Maine, because if he was in MN, he'd be getting an earful right about now!!! (and it probably wouldn't be the first time, unfortunately...)

Carol said...

No caving. No caving. He'll just expect more caving next time. Stand firm. I know it's hard, but you've done it before.....your life is just as important (and in my book it's quite a bit MORE important) as his, and you aren't asking for anything, all you're doing is trying to be a good parent. And I think you're doing an amazing job.

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