Wednesday, December 30, 2009


My cold is still making my life miserable. I slept a little better last night. If waking up every half hour because you literally couldn't breathe counts. I highly doubt I will be able to feel well enough to go into town tomorrow to do anything. Today is simply a no go. Cade is the only one who hasn't gotten sick. He is cooking breakfast today. He made a menu and Will is showing him how to cook sausage and hard boiled eggs. Even though this is helping me out by letting me rest he doesn't feel burdened and is having fun. He made a a piece of bacon and was very proud of himself.

Will is also doing his part. He said he is going into town today to pick up juice and medicine. I am so very lucky to have him. Connor is feeling almost as bad as me. He is taking a shower now hoping the steam will help his nose. Sofie is a She needs a shower too. Her hair is pretty scary looking after last night. I didn't braid it. She was playing in her new hair stuff box this morning (xmas gift from grandma) and had stuck barrettes and scrunchies all over the place which made it worse. After Connor is done I will have to put Sofie in. I am ready for a nap though. I need to rest up and get over this.


Carol said...

I love that cartoon!

Hope you are feeling better....are you going to get part of that snowstorm?

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