Wednesday, December 2, 2009

still in the groove

Now Will and Connor are sick. Will has a nasty cough but Connor is just stuffy so I think he can fight it off. That is the same stage as me. Other than being tired I am only stuffy. Sofie had a fever yesterday but it's almost normal now. Cade is grumpy and still stuffed. They are all home today and are getting on my nerves. The squabbling. Someone save me. I have confined them to beds and that has helped.

No work today. I am not liking that. I will be working tomorrow but I can't Friday because I have to take the kids in to town to see Sean. I am the only one who has to miss work in this arrangement. Maybe I should tell him he has to pick them up on Fridays and I will get them on Sunday. Yeah, like he would do that. I will think about it.

I am writing again today. I got about five pages done yesterday but it was mostly reference stuff and I researched a lot. Today I have done three pages of actual writing. I am taking a break for lunch. I guess I better run and do the rounds of medicine for the kids. I want a nap.


Carol said...

I love that cartoon :-)

I hope you all feel better before you go insame!

perphila said...

Me too! :)

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