Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yummmm, cake. Will couldn't wait to open his present this morning and he did that before I even had the cake baked. Cade, Connor and I all pooled our money and got him a heated back massage pad you put in a chair. He was very happy. Now after a long day of hauling traps he can shower and relax his muscles. Cade and I made the cake. Lemon with vanilla frosting and sprinkles. I got letter candles (since we were out of regular ones anyway) at the dollar store that spelled out happy birthday. We took a picture of it so I will try and post that another time. Sofie really wanted to blow the candles out but Will beat her to it. It was funny. Then I asked her how old Will was and she said she didn't know. I asked her, "How old are you Sofie?"

Sofie: "I am three!"
Me: "How old is Connor?"
Sofie: "Four..."
Connor: "teen!"
We all laughed. So far there has been nothing from Sean wishing his oldest son happy birthday. I don't expect there will be either. If Will is lucky (?) he will get some kind of card or present sent home with Cade after Christmas. He did that last year. Last year he gave Will some candy bars for his birthday and xmas present. Since Cade told us at the same time the woman their dad had his affair with was now pregnant and had been before the divorce it all went over pretty badly. It was like, "Oh, here you go, have some candy bars and by the way that woman you hate is knocked up. Merry Christmas!" Yeah, it was bad. Anyway, I got online today to email Sean to let him know what boat we were coming in on and there was one there already from him to me. He asked me what boat we were coming on and then asked me to pick up the kids on Christmas. Well, I was pretty bugged. First off, there was nothing in the email for Will. No happy birthday wishes, nothing, He was obviously able to email me so did he email Will? No. Second thing that bugged me was him asking me to get the kids as well as drop them off. I was doing that the whole time we were apart before we divorced. It's not a new thing. I guess what bothers me is several things. He could (should) be using the boat time to spend some one on one time with his kids. He would rather give up that time with them to be with his new family. He doesn't want his xmas day to be taken up by travel with his children. You darn well know the new whor...wife..sorry, doesn't want to share him. Her and her children come first over his own kids. He, of course makes the choice to do what she wants no matter how that makes his kids feel. I also despise the fact he thinks his life and his plans are more important than mine. Of course Amy can drop everything she is doing to accommodate me. Uh no. The judge at the divorce told him he had to do half of the travel and she wasn't very nice about his taking advantage of the situation. I thought about telling him to take a flying leap and bring them back himself. I finally got out of my foul mood to make a nice dinner for all of us when they got home. Now I am supposed to find a way to do both? In the end I replied I could get them but in order for me to do everything I had planned he had to meet me for the 10am boat if he couldn't do that then he had to bring them back himself. We'll see what he says. If he agrees, which I think he will since his goal is to get rid of the kids anyway then we will all be home by noon instead of them coming home at 4pm or 7pm. He was never even planning on having the kids visit their grandparents either. So, after we visit my family this week I will stop by there on our way home. We have some presents for them anyway to drop off. I really wonder sometimes if he wishes our kids never existed. Goodness knows he wishes I didn't.

Also, I looked in five more places for my missing present. No luck. I feel horrible....only one more day to look for it.


Carol said...

The present will turn up after you give up. That's how it is for me. It'll be ok....Did you look in your car?

perphila said...

I can't look in my car since it's in

I haven't used my island car in months now since it won't start.

I remember bringing it home and having it in my hand then...?

I might just wrap a coupon and say the first to find it a scavenger hunt without

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