Thursday, January 21, 2010

Caught My Eye Thursday

In an effort for people to know me and my odd quirks better I am going to do, Caught My Eye Thursday. It seems I am doing something for every day of the week huh? I will try. Anyway, this will be about anything that made me laugh or wanted or went huh? Today is slippers with lights. If I knew where to get these I would add the link. As I go along I will add stuff and links if I have them. These are not a bad idea. No killing yourself or toe stubbing with these babies. Still, I wonder how you turn them on? It would be a pain to fumble for a switch on them in the dark. If I bent over I would probably have a head rush as well. Is there a switch on both slippers or one that communicates with both? What kind of batteries do they use? Despite my questions they are still rather cool.


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