Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Do not let it get to you.

Depressing or funny? Hard to tell sometimes.

So, it's that time of the week where I freak about money. The good thing about being sick you don't really care about anything and so I was able to sleep and not worry about money and dirt and stuff. Last night I was finally able to fully breathe and then found I couldn't sleep. It's been a while since I had my mind running a bit worrying about money and then of course that led back to why I am in this situation and I began fretting about Sean. All the old hurts and stuff. I cried. Finally, I fell asleep at midnight only to wake up from having a nightmare about him hitting me. So, I was up again and it was really too late to take something to help me sleep. Wonderful. Sofie, bless her heart, slept until 8am so I was able to get some rest and not feel worn out today. I think tonight I might take a tylenol pm and go from there. I am just trying to enjoy my day today. I have the upstairs to clean. A nightmare you can't even imagine. I will also write some more. I have nearly 70 pages done. I like some of it and not others. This is most likely a doomed and futile attempt but I want to try it at least once and then I can have no regrets. Plus, I need to get over being embarrassed. There are things I just can't get over. I am too modest. Too much me in it I suppose.

My big problem of the day (outside of all the normal life shortening drama)....I am out of butter....:(


Carol said...

LOL, that sign looks like the "directory" to what's going on at my house, LOL....ok, maybe it's not that bad....but....:-)

I think winter brings all of us down. I can't wait until June. At least then it won't be -20*F.

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