Friday, January 29, 2010

A few things...

Where to begin? I'm eating lunch and trying not to think of the freezing walk we will be taking later to catch the 4pm boat. The wind is the problem. On the other side of the island it isn't whipping and even though it's cold it's kind of nice. The wind on our side is awful. This is the time I wish we had a running car.

I just got back from a PTC meeting at the school. We got a ride thank goodness. I am pretty ticked with the place where we send out bottles and cans to. It is a big resource for us in our fund raising and I got a statement from the bank yesterday saying they deducted over $400 from our account because the checks I deposited from the place bounced. Nice. I am the treasurer for our little group so now I have to call the place and see how we can get our money. They claimed to have closed our account. I am already looking for a new place for our bottles and cans. What was nice about the place was they picked all of them up from the bay lines. It seems my whole life is now spent tracking down money.

Speaking of tracking down funds. I still am trying to get Sean to pay his portion of bills related to dental stuff. I have an appointment next week there so I am going to talk to the billing person there then. I could go through the hassle of phone calls and an extra visit but I am multitasking for my own peace of mind. I am owed around $500 now from three different visits. I am glad there is insurance now so hopefully we don't have to go through this crap anymore.

Speaking of crap. I told Cade last night to charge his phone so it would be ready for him to take with him this weekend. He told me that his dad makes a huge fuss about him using it. I guess this has been going on for a while but Cade hadn't told me. There is little I can do but I would love to smack Sean around about it. He moans and whines telling me I don't let the kids call him or tell him he called yada yada. Lies. I usually don't call Cade when he is with his dad and Cade rarely calls me. I called when our friend Alice died. That was a big deal, worth a call I think. That was, what, almost a year ago. I think I called once over the summer to ask he wanted something at the grocery store since I was there doing the shopping. I called last visit hoping to talk to Connor. I had called Sean's phone twice and left messages and called Connor's phone twice and left messages. I finally tried Cade knowing Connor was most likely with him. Cade answered and I did get to talk to Connor and found out when he was coming home. I guess Sean tells Cade he can't call me. He tells Cade he will be seeing me soon enough and doesn't need to talk to me. He got mad when I called about Alice and asked why I hadn't called him instead. The fact was I did call Sean first. I always call him first and ask to speak with Cade but he doesn't pick up his phone. He asked Cade why he didn't ask to use his phone to call me and Cade told him it was because his dad would have said no and has said no every time he has asked. To talk to me he has to go and hide in the bathroom or go outside and hide under the steps so the girl doesn't see him. She tells on him when he uses his phone. On top of that Sean isn't the only one who lectures him. TMW also tells him he can't speak to me. I was so angry. She should have NO say what so ever about Cade talking to me. I wonder why they are so bent out of shape. Do they have something to hide? Are they afraid he is bad mouthing them? The times he has called me he hasn't said anything negative except once. He was in tears and I was the only one who could calm him down. That phone call Sean made to me and asked me to talk to Cade. I have no idea what to do or say about this. I wish I could talk to Sean. I have never kept any of the kids even Sofie from talking to him if they wanted to. Does Sean even realize that by telling them no he makes himself look bad? Just knowing they have the option to call home and that I am always here for them in enough. It doesn't mean they will. Take away that option and it only builds resentment. In the mean time. I told Cade to bring his phone. Keep it hidden and out of the way. Use it for emergencies if his dad gets angry like he has in the past or if he is worried his dad might hurt himself. Cade also likes having it because TMW doesn't threaten to hit him ever since he told her he would call 911 if she did. It gives him security. If he has something he wants to share with me he is excited about or thinks is cool he can ask dad to call me using his dad's phone or just wait until he gets home. I told him to make sure his phone is on for the boat ride home and to call me if there is a big change on him coming home. I remember the New Years eve before last he called me to tell me he was on his way home. Sean was bringing him home a day early and hadn't told me. There would have been no one to get him and Sofie if Cade hadn't called. I will try and not seethe over this and let it flow over me.

We finally got the schedule for the EMT classes. Tuesdays, Thursdays and every other Saturday. 6 to 9 pm weekdays and 9am to 3pm on Saturdays. We start in February and have our final on June 1st. This includes 24 hours in an ambulance as well as hospital time in the emergency room. This is going to be hard and I am scared stiff. I need to buy some new pants. Something comfy.

I am still writing. I have been working on my big work but also doing writing prompts. It has been really challenging and it is whipping my brain into shape. One word theme, use it creatively and on a time limit. One site I use gives out banners to the top three. If I ever win one I will post it here. I have no hopes. I am against people who have been doing this a long time.

I had better get moving and get some chores done before we go. I might get lucky and Will might buy us dinner. :)

Oh, one more thing. I was able to pay the rent this month and all my bills all by myself. I am so thrilled. I only have $5 left but I did it. Next month though?????


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