Friday, January 29, 2010


I hated to do it but I joined facebook. I only did it to keep closer tabs on the boys pages. Yes, I give them little privacy. Anyway, it's all private and I am under a different name. I only have the boys and I am not adding anyone else except maybe one other person. I have no plans to use it. On the obscure chance Sean figures out I have an account I looked him up first and blocked him. Will and Cade have blocked him from their accounts so I have no worries he could trace me from there. Connor though has him though so, we will see. During that whole looking for him stuff I found he still has our account with amazon open and is adding to his wish list. All the things I wanted for myself and/or the kids is still there. How can he do that? How can he have something he only added to three days ago and see all the things I wished for and not think of me? Why not just delete them? Even though the payment is through his credit card the shipping address is still for here. In theory I could get something from my list and bill That is what he did to me. I won't though because I am not a jerk. I just feel sad all over again. Yes, I am whining. I am just so hurt and angry right now. *sigh*


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