Thursday, January 21, 2010

One step back

I know, I know I should wait and process before I reply (if at all) to emails Sean sends me. I have been doing really well lately in doing that but I am not perfect and perhaps from all my recent stress my logical reasoning center was taking a break. He sent me one last night and I was, well, I didn't react well. I was proud of one thing. I didn't realize it until just before I fell asleep though. The first paragraph of his email was him apologizing for not calling me back on Monday when I called asking for Connor and leaving messages. He said he wasn't ignoring me but had "misplaced" his phone that morning. I read it and thought, lie. I never even for a second believed him first then questioned myself about if he wasn't entirely truthful. I just knew it was hot air to appease me before he began his pretend concern about the kids welfare. In other words telling me what to do and how to parent them because I don't know what I am doing and am "causing resentment...leading to years of fear" Yeah, he said that. *snort* As I was falling asleep I was stunned to realize I didn't believe first and question later. Then I thought further. He called ME that morning on his cell he had "misplaced". I called back less than an hour later. Did he really lose it that fast? He was home. Did he not hear it ring? Had he never lost it in the first place? He said, for most of the morning, then why didn't he check his messages? Lies, lies, lies. No wonder I have a lie phobia....:)

Anyway, even though I replied I didn't try and defend myself or anything. I just answered some questions. It was more than I should have probably. He said Sofie was afraid to sleep with the light off and was saying there were monsters under the bed. Cade made it worse my saying Connor teased her. Well, Connor does a lot of things, I am pretty blunt about that. Teasing her about monsters, no. About a year or so ago she said there were monsters in the couch cushions. Connor pretended to fight them off and told her they were all gone. Of course he made it an epic battle and there was much yelling and mayhem but he won. She was very happy. I still pulled him aside and told him not to even pretend they were there even if he protected her from them. He got it (amazingly) and never did it again. She has never said there were monsters under the bed or in the closet or anything like that. She is only three, so I am not totally surprised that she could have that kind of fear but so far not here. She also sleeps just fine with the lights off here. She did have a spell maybe 6 months ago or even more where she preferred the light but I just turned it off anyway and that was that. She does climb in bed with me from time to time when she has a bad dream. She rarely remembers them but when she does it has always been about something Kathryn or Regan have done. I didn't point that out to Sean. I would have loved to but didn't. I told Sean she sleeps fine here without the light, doesn't even mention monsters, explained the whole couch thing from a year ago and that I would talk to Cade about mentioning something like that from so long ago. It doesn't apply to this situation. I told him if she has these issues then they stem from over there. He should consider transitioning as a factor. I told him I was not going to talk with Connor about this. He wanted me to tell Connor he was causing her to suffer from fears that would take years for her to recover from. I could tell that line of BS was coming straight from TMW (The mean witch).

Then he said he was in agreement with me that Connor shouldn't have lied and that we were on the same page with that. (SHOCK!) However, I should think about why he lied in the first place. I love it when people say, however or but, have they forgotten it negates the first part of your statement when you use it? He blamed me saying Connor lied because of the usual stuff I do to keep Connor from him. Whatever that is. He told me I needed to reassure him and that Connor was resentful of me. Well, that just made me mad. I am so sick and tired of everything being "my" fault. Sean blames me for everything and Connor tries to guilt me about making things hard. Connor tells me he knows I don't keep him from his dad. He tells me the choices he has made has been his. He just doesn't like following the rules. It's the rules that make him resentful. Since I am the one who makes them, well, there you go. There may be some resentment flying around but it isn't about me keeping Connor from Sean. It just the usual, I am an invincible teen how dare you worry for me, thing going on. I told Sean I have and will continue to reassure Connor. I told him I only told Connor once he couldn't see him and explained the circumstances which I then added I was sure Connor had failed to mention. I told him I had only asked one thing from them both which I had outlined in a previous email and they had failed to do so. Connor not only lied but broke a rule. That was it. I really, really wanted to say more but didn't. I shouldn't have even said what I did. Probably.

I still haven't asked Connor why he had such a bad day on Monday. He was in a bad mood yesterday and even though he shoveled like I asked he did a poor job then went to his room for the rest of the evening. He said he had a good day at school but that was about the extent of any conversation. He didn't eat the dinner I made. He warmed up leftovers though so I wasn't too mad. I like seeing leftovers being eaten. I just don't know what to do for him sometimes.

I have to go to the dentist office the next time I am in town and get a copy of the last bills. It was the first time the new insurance was being applied and it was supposed to cover the previous bill as well. I paid for that myself and with 4 checkups, and xray and one filling it cost me a bundle. I was supposed to be reimbursed for that according to the lady I spoke with at the dentist office. Even though the insurance is under TMW's name since I was the one who paid so I should have gotten the reimbursement directly from the insurance company. It has been months now. I am worried they got the money and true to form is keeping it from me. He has to pay for the kids insurance according to the court order and then we split extra costs, him paying a higher amount. I really don't want to go through with this again. I may have to finally get into a money battle with her. Since the check would have gone to her. Wonderful.


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