Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Ok, well then. As you can plainly see I have done some changes on this here blog. Subtle, no? I hope it isn't too out there and let me hear some feedback on what you guys think. I'm not quite done. I have some ads to put up yet and I have some switching around to do with my gadgets. They are driving me nuts. They don't want to move and are pretty much are up now as they were added. Not in a very logical way. More to do on that later.

I have been thinking for a while of a way to make things a little more light hearted here. I really spew negativity sometimes. True, this is my venting place but I am not a totally depressive and woe is me kind of gal so I have been thinking on how to reflect that aspect of my personality here. Don't know what to do yet but one thing I am going to do is start to show off my little collection of Alice in Wonderland pictures. I am not sure when it started. I like Alice (the real books not Disney) and as I was surfing along I came across a picture or two, like it, saved it, and it grew. I was really fascinated at how many interpretations of the theme people have made. Hence my newest collection. It's a perfect collection for my warring mental states of packrat and OCD. I like things simple and clean yet how is that possible for someone who likes to save stuff? Since everything is on the computer it's all in one tiny place. Ahhh..:) So, I think starting on Monday I will post a new Alice picture/reference once a week. Alice Mondays. Mondays are the worst day of realism in most our lives so why not add a splash of fantasy? Now which to post first humm? I am guessing not the scantly clad ones...;)

It's freezing outside! It was 3 degrees this morning. 3! Yuck. I am so glad I didn't have to leave the house to work. I know why I was so snippy now. I have my little visitor. It took all my restraint not to scream when Sofie dropped my NEW book in the sink last night. I just closed my eyes and breathed deep. The reason little children are so darn cute is so we don't eat our young. Sofie bless her is especially cute. She knew she did a "naughty" thing as she called it and said, "I'm sorry mumma, I love you." Since it was 10 minutes to bedtime anyway I just made her get ready for bed. Yes, she slithered out of trouble but I thought she might have been scared enough by my calming techniques. I must have looked like a loon!


A Wanderer's Mind said...

Very nice!

perphila said...

Thanks! :)

Carol said...

I love's sharp, yet soothing!!!!

perphila said... know I have been sick when the first thing I thought of was Vicks vapo rub at your comment. Sharp, yet soothing...when will winter end?

Thanks....I just wanted to do something new...:)

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