Thursday, January 14, 2010

What was I thinking?

Sometime this month we are supposed to be starting classes at the hall for EMT's. I agreed to take the class so we could have a good number of people to show up so they would come all the way out here for us. It will be four months long, three times a week in the evenings. Dinner included. We haven't even gotten our text books yet and there is some serious grumbling going on about it all. The main book is huge and being able to read ahead is crucial because we are getting an intense, swift course. Just the idea of studying makes my knees shake. IF I pass I will be able to drive the island ambulance and get a beeper. Unless I get my car fixed or get a new one I wouldn't be a quick responder. Will I get paid for this? No. Still, I will be certified and I suppose it's good stuff to know. If I should have to move back inland I will at least have one skill. Plus, the class is free. I can help others but it's kind of scary. What was I thinking?


Carol said...

EMT--I think that's I'm excited for you!!!

You can never have enough streams of income.

A Wanderer's Mind said...

Tat is so awesome for you. EMT skills come in very handy and if you keep your certification up then you have a nice stream of income should you move back inland. Way to go!

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