Friday, January 29, 2010

What's Cookin' Friday 2

Nothing too fancy today...

Breakfast: Oatmeal and fruit, tea for me juice for the kids.

Lunch: BLT wraps

Snacks: Raisins, cheerios and left over birthday cake, milk

Dinner: ? , It's going to be 7pm when I get home. It's only going to be me and Will. Connor is going to visit his grandparents and Cade and Sofie have to see their dad this weekend. I am guessing I will have a cup of cocoa on the boat ride home. I am addicted to the cocoa in the bay lines vending machine and grab some left overs from the fridge for dinner. I can choose from chili or fried rice. The fried rice I made from left over rice and I added onion and broccoli. I cooked the veggies in sesame oil then whipped up a few eggs and added a tablespoon of soy sauce to them. I then added the rice to the veggies and warmed that up a bit then added the egg mixture. I wasn't in the mood for meat and I needed to get rid of the rice so, there you go. I have about 2 servings left from that. I am leaning towards eating that tonight. My tummy isn't in the mood for my home made chili. Good but deadly stuff..:) I let you all know what we finally ate tomorrow.


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