Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My posts lately have been extremely long. I will try and do a few short ones for a while instead. I had been venting big time. Ah, well. It's still snowing and school wasn't canceled. I am a bit bummed. We need to shovel and having both the older boys here to do it would have been nice. Connor won't be home until 4pm and I hate telling him to do anything. I am just in no mood for his third degree questioning on why it is necessary to shovel. Will won't be home until 7pm (Wednesday his is college course day) and I would rather he didn't shovel in the dark. Not to mention he shoveled last time and Connor should take a turn. Snow is pretty but a lot of work.

Connor was in a good mood yesterday. It was the first day of his new schedule change and he got a lot of work done in his new study block. He got some science done and his teacher was impressed. She is starting to see he has the concepts despite what his other teacher might think. So, fingers crossed on that. He still is not wanting to do any chores. I didn't even ask him to do any yesterday. I had done everything. I did ask for him to toast me and Sofie a bagel because she didn't want the tuna casserole I made for dinner and for some reason the smell of tuna was making my tummy roll. Sometimes it does that even though I love tuna. So I thought having something like a bagel would settle better on my tummy. He never did it and after waiting an hour I finally got mad. I only asked in the first place because I was helping Cade with his homework and didn't want to be distracted. I got the food myself and made him do the dinner dishes instead. It is his least favorite chore. He said he would make me "anything" I wanted instead but I said no. He had his chance to be nice. Dishes. The end. He did them and never complained after that. I think he knew I wasn't pleased.

Working again today. It's finally been somewhat steady. I really need the money. I would feel a little less stress if I could pay the bills this month. Somehow I am supposed to do something for Connor's birthday? I think I will use the food stamps to buy him a case of Ramen. He loves that. Not the healthiest eating but great gaming food...:)


Carol said...
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Carol said...
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Carol said...

I don't mind your long posts, they let me get to know you better! Plus...I can learn a lot from your attitude :-)

There I go....filling up your comments....

perphila said...

Someone has

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