Saturday, January 9, 2010


Wonders never cease. I checked my bank account this morning and found an extra $600 in it. Not enough for rent but close. Did some digging and saw DHHS made an extra deposit. I don't know of Sean paid them himself or if there is a change in the withholding. I don't know why I got money yesterday and not the 23rd like I have been. I can't help but think if Sean wants to petition the court for Connor he is at least aware that being thousands of dollars behind in child support won't look too good. Maybe he made a deal to keep his license since I spoke to the case worker. I dunno. I like knowing but.....the girl scout in me wants to be prepared.

I have my foot up today. Now it hurts even when I'm not on it. Not a good sign. I think I'll use some heat on it soon. I need some breakfast.


Carol said...

I really have a tough time understanding how I'm supposed to budget the little bit of support we get from DD's bio mom--one month it's $200, one month it's $6, and one month it doesn't come at all.....I just don't get it!!!! I don't know if Maine operates the same way, but what I've learned is "never expect a support payment".

But I'm really glad you got one!

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