Thursday, January 14, 2010


Day, I've lost count, of waking up with a headache. Swallow Tylenol and moving on. No work today. I should clean the house. I really have no motivation to. It's going to be just me and Sofie all morning. It's been a while since it has been just the two of us. I think I will just spend some one on one time with her. I could take her to my knitting group today. I haven't gone in ages. I think she is old enough to sit and play with the yarn without strangling herself. It will depend on if she behaves today and how my head feels. I have to email Sean today. Not looking forward to that.

I will try and write some more today as well. I haven't done much lately. I am been depressed on how some of it is turning out. I need to refocus and not dwell and just get it out and worry about editing later.

I will also work on the blog a bit today. I am going to try and organize my gadgets and add more ads. I would really like it if I could make some money here..even a little bit. I am going to add some more fun stuff too. I need fun. Oh, I will bring my fish back soon. Just think of it as I am cleaning their tank...:)


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