Thursday, January 14, 2010

Library Pick 1

Carol asked me what book series I liked and my brain just about exploded. There are so many! My shout box was just not enough to express my thoughts. So, I thought I would do another weekly thing (as time permits) of books I like. Since life has been pretty tough lately I have been in no mood to read anything about the middle east, poverty or any fiction about the struggle of the inner person. I am currently doing that thank you very much I want pure escapism.

This book doesn't come out until March so that gives you time to save up some money to buy it or to put it on hold at the library. In the meantime you can read the other book of a similar vein to this one by the same author, Pride, Prejudice and Zombies. There is also, Sense and Sensibility and Seamonsters by Ben H. Winters. These books follow the classics pretty closely with a bit of the supernatural thrown in. I really loved PP&Z. The newest book is supposed to be in a biographical style like McCollugh and Goodwin. Since I love a good bio book I am hoping this will be a good read. I showed this to Cade and he wants me to read it to him since he is such a presidents buff. In my xmas pictures I posted Cade was holding up a huge president book. He is proudly on chapter two and loving it. Check the link for a review:


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